Τατιανὸς Νέπωτι ἐλαιουργῷ χ(αίρειν).
παράσχου Κυριακῇ πεδίσκῃ
ἐλαί(ου) ξέστην ἓν
(γίνεται) ἐλ(αίου) ξ(έστης)
(ἔτους) ϙε ξδ , Μεχεὶρ ιζ . (hand 2) σαισειμίωμαι α̣ἰ̣λ̣έου ξέστας μίαν ο̣μ( ) .
Tatianus to Nepotian, greetings to the olive worker.
Provide to the young lady on Sunday.
One basin of olive oil.
(It is) a basin of olive oil.
(Year) 16, Mecheir 17. (hand 2) I will make a note of the olive basins, one of them.