Αὐρήλιοι Ἄγαθος γυ(μνασιάρχης)
ἔναρχος πρύτανις καὶ
Ἑρμανοβάμμων ἐξηγ(ητὴς)
καὶ Δίδυμος ἀρχιερεὺς
καὶ Κοπρίας κοσμητὴς
πόλεως Εὐεργέτιδος
Αὐρηλίοις Εὐριπᾷ βιολό-
γῳ καὶ Σαραπᾷ ὁμηριστῇ
ἐξαυτῆς ἥκετε, καθὼ̣[ς]
ἔθος ὑμῖν ἐστιν συνπα-
ηγυρίζειν, συνεορτάσον-
τες ἐν τῇ πατρῴ̣ᾳ̣ ἡ̣[μῶν]
ἑορτῇ γενεθλίῳ τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ Κρό̣ν̣ο̣υ̣
θεοῦ μεγίστου ἀναν̣
τῶν θεωριῶν ἅμ̣ʼ α̣ὔ̣[ρ]ιον
ἥτις ἐστὶν
ἐπὶ τὰς ἐξ ἔθους ἡμ[έρ]ας,
λαμβάνοντες το[ὺς] μισ-
θοὺς καὶ τὰ τείμια
Ἑρμανοβάμμων ἐξηγ(ητὴς)
ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς εὔχομ(αι).
Δίδυμος ἀρχιερ(εὺς) ἐρρῶσθ(αι) ὑμᾶς εὔχομ(αι).
Κοπρίας ἐρρῶσθαι ὑμᾶς
Aurelius Agathos, gymnasiarch,
chief prytanis and
Hermanobammus, exegete,
and Didymus, high priest,
and Koprias, city steward
of the city of Euergetis,
to the Aurelians, to Euripus the biologist
and to Sarapis the homirist,
You have come here, as is your custom,
to celebrate together,
celebrating in our ancestral
festival of the birthday of Kronos,
the greatest god, in accordance with
the festivals of the observances,
taking the wages and the honors
Let us be marked.
Hermanobammus, exegete,
I wish you to be well.
Didymus, high priest, I wish you to be well.
Koprias, I wish you to be well.