γραφόμεθα εἰς τὸ ἐνέστὸς (ἔτος)
Καίσαρος τὰ ὑπάρχοντα ἡμεῖν
πρόβατα, τοῦ μὲν Παλᾶτος κατρία,
τοῦ δὲ Πετεήσιος πρόβατα δεκαδύο,
τοῦ δὲ Πετεσούχο(υ) πρόβατα [δ]εκατρία,
αἶγας τρεῖς,
[το]ῦ̣ [δὲ ο̣ς πρόβατα εν-
(No Latin text found in the provided document)
We are being registered for the current year of Caesar, the possessions that we have:
sheep, three from Palas, twelve sheep from Peteisios, thirteen sheep from Petesuchos, three goats, and [the] sheep from [the] [unknown]...