Ἡλιόδωρος Διονῦσι καὶ Ἀπολλωνίωι χαί(ρειν). Ἑρμαῖος καὶ Χεσφῖβις μισθωσάμενοι τὰ πρότερον Ἀ[ρ]ητίωνος ἐδάφη μετεμίσθωσαν Ψενα- μούνει ὃς λέγεται περιίστασθαι. συνλάβεσθε οὖν τοῖς περὶ τὸν Ἑρμαῖον ἕως κατεγγυήση- ταὶ αὐτῷ̣ τὸν πάτον, ὃν καὶ ἐμ̣βλεπέ̣τ[ω] ̓Ιούλιος ὁ φ[ύ]λαξ. ἔρρω(σθε) Διονῦσ[ι] καὶ Ἀπο̣λλ[ωνίωι]
Heliodorus to Dionysus and Apollo, greetings. Hermaios and Cheshbivis, having rented the lands of Aretios before, have sublet to Psenamoun, who is said to be present. Therefore, you should assist those concerning Hermaios until he guarantees to him the whole, which Julius the guard also looks upon. Farewell to Dionysus and Apollo.