Ἀσκληπιάδης ὃς καὶ Ἀπίων ὁ πατὴρ Πτολ(εμαίου) τοῦ ἐπὶ τῶν ἱερῶν τοῦ Ὀξυ(ρυγχίτου) καὶ Κ̣υνο(πολίτου) Πατοίφει ἐλαιουργῶι χαί(ρειν). ἀπέχω παρὰ σοῦ τοὺς ἐπιβάλλον(τάς) σοι το̣ῦ̣ τετ̣άρτου ἔτους Καίσαρος ἐλαίου κνηκίν(ου) μετρη̣(τὰς) δύο , (γίνονται) ἐλ(αίου) κν̣η(κίνου) μ(ετρηταὶ) β , καὶ ο̣ὐ̣δ̣έν σοι περὶ τούτω̣ν ἐγκαλῶ.
Aesculapius, who is also Apion, the father of Ptolemaios, of the sacred things of the Oxyrhynchite and of the Kynopolite, to Patophis, greetings from the oil worker. I am withholding from you those who impose upon you the fourth year of Caesar, of the oil of the knuckle, two measurements, (they are) measurements of the oil of the knuckle, and I do not accuse you of anything regarding these matters.