α χεῖρ̣ό̣ς. σὺ σχ ἀνάσπα χεῖ[ρ]α. σ[ὺ π]ι χειρὶ δαθλα γ̣ο̣ ἐπίθες τὸ σει μ̣α σ̣ σὺ προβαλὼν ἔνκρυ̣ψ̣ο̣ν̣ καὶ παρεισ̣ τ]ί̣να̣ξον. σὺ κ̣ατα̣σ̣τ λ καὶ̣ θου κα̣ὶ̣ τῷ ποδὶ ἀντίβα τὸ γ̣ό̣ν̣[υ καὶ̣ συνθοῦ. σὺ τῇ ἀριστερᾷ ὑπ̣ο̣βολῇ περίωσαι. σὺ νύξ̣α̣[ς] ἐ̣π̣ησον. σὺ ἀνακάθου. σὺ̣ κ̣ό̣ψας δ̣ι̣[ά]σ̣υ̣ρον. [σ]ὺ πλ ο̣ν ἀγκῶνα καὶ τῷ γόν̣ατι ὑπὸ̣ τ̣ὴν λαγόνα κατάστρεψο̣ν̣. σὺ πλ[ κ̣ό̣ψας διάσυρον. σὺ ἀφελοῦ δάκτυλον. σὺ καρπὸν κ̣α̣σ]ὺ πρόβαλε. σὺ άμενος κόψ̣ον̣ ⟦καὶ⟧ \σὺ̣/ ἀπόφερε χεῖρα [χ]ερὸς στρέψον καὶ μεταβαλο̣ῦ̣. \σ̣ὺ̣/ ὕπτιον βάλε νο̣ιξναγ̣κ̣ε [ἀ]γ̣κῶνα. σὺ ἐ̣νδοὺσ̣ ν̣ κα̣ὶ̣ ἀγκῶνα. σὺ ἀν[τ]ίβα κ̣α̣σκαθ[̣] ἀπ̣[ό]π̣λεξ⟦ον⟧\αι/. σὺ ἀπ̣ό̣φ[ε]ρ̣ε̣ σὺ ἀνακάθ[ου] ε̣υ[ ]ου[ ] καὶ ν[ ]
(No Latin text was extracted from the provided fragments.)
"Your hand is a hand. You pull the hand. You place it on the side. You throw it down and place it on the foot. You cut off the finger. You present it. You cut the arm and the knee under the thigh. You cut the arm. You remove the finger. You present the fruit. You cut off the remaining part. You bring forth the hand. You turn the hand and change it. You place it upside down. You take the elbow. You bring it to the side. You take the elbow and the side. You take the elbow and the side."