παρὰ Ἑρμίππου τοῦ καὶ Ἁρποκρατίωνος Ὡ̣ρ[ί]ωνος πρεσβυτέρου τοῦ Ἑρμίππου μη-[τ]ρ̣[ὸς] Θαΐδος Πεκύσιος ἀπʼ Ὀζυρύγχων πόλε-[ω]ς δ̣[ι]ὰ Διονυσίου Διδύμου φίλου. κατὰ [τ]ὰ κελευσθέντα περὶ ἐπικρίσεως τῶν προσβ(εβηκότων) εἰς (τρεισκαιδεκαετεῖς) εἰ ἐξ ἀμφοτ(έρων) γονέων μητροπολιτ(*)(δωδεκαδράχμων) εἰσίν, ἐτάγ̣η ἐπʼ ἀμφόδ(ου) Τεμ̣[γε-]ν̣ο̣ύ̣[θεως] ὁ υἱ(*)(δ̣ο̣[̣] ̣[̣ ̣]ωνος προσβ(εβηκὼς) εἰς (τρεισκαιδεκαετεῖς) τῷ διελθ[ό]ν-[τι] κγ (ἔτει), ὅθεν παραγενόμενος πρὸς τὴν τού-του ἐπίκρισιν δηλῶ αὐτὸν εἶναι (δωδεκάδραχμον) [καὶ] ἐ̣μ̣ὲ̣ ὁμοίως [εἶνα]ι̣ (δωδεκάδραχμον) ἀναγρα(φόμενον) διὰ λα[ογρ]α(φίας) τοῦ διελθόντος κγ (ἔτους) ἐπʼ ἀμφόδ(ου) Ἄνω Παρ̣[ε]μ̣β̣(ολῆς) [κα]ὶ̣ τὸ̣[ν] τ̣ῆ̣ς μητ(ρὸς) τοῦ υἱ(*)(οῦ μου πατέρα Α̣̣ ̣- [̣ ̣] Ἁρποκρατίωνος τοῦ Ἁρποκρατίωνος μητ(ρὸς) Ἡρακλείας ὁ̣[μοίω]ς εἶναι (δωδεκάδραχμον) ε̣[̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
None extracted.
From Hermippus and Harpocration, the elder of Hermippus, mother of Thais, of Pekysios from the city of Ozyryngos, through Dionysius Didymus, a friend. According to the orders concerning the judgment of those who have approached, if they are from both parents, metropolitan (of twelve drachmas), it was arranged at the crossroads of Temgenous. My son Ptolemaios, having approached (at the age of thirteen), having come to this judgment, I declare him to be (a twelve-drachma) and I myself likewise to be (a twelve-drachma) recorded through the records of the year that has passed at the crossroads of Upper Parembole, and the (of the mother) of my son, the father of Harpocration, of Harpocration, mother of Heracleia, to be (a twelve-drachma).