Αὐρηλίωι Σεουήρῳ τῷ κρατίστῳ διαδεχομένῳ
[τ]ὴν ἐπιστρατηγίαν
[πα]ρὰ Αὐρηλίου Πτολεμαίου Σεμ̣πρωνίου τοῦ Λου-
[κίο]υ μητρὸς Θαήσιος ἀπʼ Ὀξυρύγ’χων πόλεως.
ἔθους ὄντος ἀφʼ οὗ ηὐ
τυχήσαμεν ἐκ τῆς τῶν
Σεουήρου καὶ μεγάλου Ἀντωνίνου
[δω]ρεᾶς τοῦ τῶν ἐφήβων ἀγῶνος τοὺς κατὰ και-
[ρὸ]ν τῆς πόλεως ἀμφοδογραμματέας ἐνγίζον-
τοῦ ἑκάστου ἔτους ἀγῶνος ἐπιδοῦναι καὶ
προθεῖναι τὴν τῶν ἐφηβεύειν
πρὸς τὸ ἕκαστον ἀφʼ οὗ προσήκει
[τ]ῆς ἐφηβίας ἀντιλαβέσθαι, ἐπεὶ οὖν ὁ νυνὶ τῆς
[πό]λεως ἀμφοδογραμματεὺς Αὐρήλιος Σαραπί-
ων ἐν τῇ ἔναγ’χος προτεθείσῃ ὑ
πʼ αὐτοῦ γραφῇ
τῶν ἐπʼ ἀγαθοῖς ἐφηβεύειν μελλόντων παρεῖ-
[κε]ν τὸν ἡμέτερον υ
ἱὸν Αὐρήλιον Πολυδεύ-
κην καὶ αὐτὸν μελλοέφηβον καὶ ὄντα ἐκ τοῦ
τάγματος τοῦ παρʼ ἡμεῖν
γυμνασίου προσβάν-
τος εἰς τεσσαρεσκαιδεκαετεῖς τῷ
(ἔτει) καὶ ἐπικρει-
κατʼ ἀκολυθείαν
τῶν ἐτῶν καὶ τοῦ γέ-
νους εἰς τοὺς ἐκ
τοῦ γυμνασίου τῷ αὐτῷ
[ἴ]σ̣ως ἀγνοήσας, κατὰ τὸ ἀναγκαῖον προσφεύ-
γω σοι ἀξιῶν ἐνταγῆναι κ̣ἀ̣μοῦ
τὸν υ
τῇ τῶν ἐφήβων γραφῇ καθʼ ὁμοιότητα
τῶν σὺν αὐτῷ και
ὦ βεβοηθημένος,
(hand 2) Αὐρήλιος Πτολεμαῖος ἐπειδέδω-
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
To Aurelius Seuerius, the most distinguished successor,
[the] command of the generalship
from Aurelius Ptolemaeus Sempronius of Lucius,
mother of Thaesios from the city of Oxyrhynchus.
Since it was customary from which we have been
fortunate from the gods
of Seuerius and the great Antoninus,
[the] gift of the contest of the youths, those according to the time
of the city, the amphodogrammateus approaching
of each year of the contest to provide and
to set forth the registration of those who are to be youths
to each one from which it is appropriate
to the time of youth to take hold, since therefore the current amphodogrammateus of the city, Aurelius Sarapion,
in the previously set forth document
from him of those who are to be good youths has provided
[the] son of ours, Aurelius Polydeuces, and himself to be a future youth and being from the
class of the gymnasium among us
having entered into the thirteenth year
in the
(year) and having been judged
according to the sequence
of the years and of the race into those from
the gymnasium in the same
[perhaps] not knowing, according to the necessity I appeal to you, I ask to be enrolled
in the registration of the youths according to similarity
of those with him and
O helper,
may it be successful.
(hand 2) Aurelius Ptolemaeus has given