τίν᾽ εἰς κοι[νὸν ἐγράφη ἐμοὶ καί σοι καί ἠπίχθην φανερόν [σοι καταστῆσαι ἵνʼ] εἰδέναι ἔχοις καὶ [ἀκόλουθα] πράξ[ῃς]. (ἔτους) ιε καὶ (ἔτους) ιδ καὶ (ἔτους) ζ, Θὼθ σεσημείωμαι.
τὰ γραφέντα ἡμῖν [ὑπὸ Αὐρηλίου Ἰσιδώρου ἐπιτρόπου τ]ῆς κατέρω Θηβαίδος [περὶ] τῆς τοῦ ἀ[χ]ύρου διαδόσεως ἐντάξας [τούτοις τοῖς γράμμασι φανερὰ ὑμῖν πο]ιῶ ἵνα τοῖς προστα- [χθεῖσι ἀκόλουθα πράξηται. (ἔτους) ιε καὶ (ἔτους) ιδ καὶ (ἔτους) ζ, Θὼθ σεσημείωμαι.
Αὐρή[λιος Ἰσίδωρος] ἐπίτρο̣[π]ος τῆς κα[τωτέρω Θηβαίδος διʼ ὧν ἐπέστει]λ̣ε̣ν ἐκέλευσεν τὰ πλοῖα τὰ [τ]αμιακὰ τῶν λημφθέντων ἐκ τῆς ἀνωτέρω Θηβ[αίδος ἀπὸ τῶν ἐνταῦθα τῆς δεού- [σ]ης παρασκευῆς τυχεῖν ἀπὸ τῶν ταμιακῶν χρη[μάτων πρὸς ἑτοιμασίαν του δεσπότο]υ ἡμῶν καὶ πάντα νικῶντος α̣ὐτοκράτορ[ος Διοκ]λητιανοῦ τοῦ πρεσβυτέρου Σεβασ[τοῦ ἠπείχθην] ἐπιστεῖλαι ὑμῖν ὅπως τὰ μὲν πλοῖα η̣[κα]ὶ τοὺς ξυλοπάκτωνας ὑμῖ]ν ἐγγράφως φανερὰν [κ]ατασ[τῆσαι.
ἔτους ιε καὶ (ἔτους) ιδ καὶ (ἔτους) ζ, Θὼθ σεσημίωμαι.
(vestig ?)
"What was written in common to me and you and was made clear to you, so that you may know and act accordingly. (Year) 15 and (Year) 14 and (Year) 7, Thoth has noted."
"The writings to us by Aurelius Isidorus, the steward of the lower Thebaid, concerning the distribution of the grain, having arranged these letters, I make clear to you so that those who are commanded may act accordingly. (Year) 15 and (Year) 14 and (Year) 7, Thoth has noted."
"Aurelius Isidorus, steward of the lower Thebaid, sent and commanded the ships of the funds received from the upper Thebaid to be prepared and equipped from the funds of the treasury for the service of our lord and all victorious Emperor Diocletian, the elder, I have sent to you so that the ships and the woodworkers may be made clear in writing."
"Year 15 and (Year) 14 and (Year) 7, Thoth has noted."