Ἀπολλώνιος Κλέωνι χαίρειν. ἔγραψά σοι τῆι τὴν [γ]ενομένην μοι κατάστασιν πρὸς τοὺς δεκατάρχους ἐπὶ Διοτίμου περὶ τοῦ πλήθους τῶν σωμάτων καὶ τῆς ταγῆς τῶν λίθων καὶ ὃν τρόπον ἀνωμολόγηνται ἐπὶ Διοτίμου τά τε ἐλλείποντα σώματα προσκαταστήσειν καὶ τὴν ταγὴν τῶν λίθων ἀναπληρώσειν πᾶσαν ἕως τῆς νουμηνίας εἰ ἂν αὐτοῖς χορηγηθῇ σίδηρος καὶ ἔγραψά σοι ὃ δεῖ δοθῆναι εἰς ἕκαστον ἀργοῦ καὶ τὸ κάτεργον. καὶ νῦν δὲ καλῶς ἂν ποιήσαις συντάξας χρηματίσαι σφῆνας εἰς ἕκαστον τοὺς ὑπογεγραμμένους ἵνα τὰς προφάσεις αὐτῶν περιέλωμεν· Τεχεσθεῖ εἰς ἃ ἐξηριθμήμεθα σώματα σὺν παιδαρίοις σφῆνας, Βερόθει σὺν παιδαρίοις σώμασιν σφῆνας, Ἀχομνεύει σὺν παιδαρίοις σώμασιν σφῆνας, Παοῦς σὺν παιδαρίοις σώμασιν σφῆνας, Πεμσάι σὺν παιδαρίοις σώμασιν σφῆνας, Φαμούνει σὺν παιδαρίοις σώμασιν σφῆνας, ψιντ[σὺ]ν παιδαρίοις [Π]ετεχῶντ[ι]εισ[Φ]ανήσει.
εἰς τὸ αὐτὸ ἀωίλια Βωπδ εἰς ξ τῶν δ (δραχμῶν)
Apollonius to Cleon, greetings. I have written to you about the situation that has arisen for me with the decarchs regarding the number of bodies and the arrangement of the stones, and how they are to be accounted for regarding Diotimus. The missing bodies should be arranged and the arrangement of the stones should be completely filled until the new moon, if iron is provided to them. I have also written to you what needs to be given to each one, both the idle and the labor. And now you would do well to arrange the funds for each of the signed ones so that we may cover their excuses: Teches the bodies we have counted with the children, Berothe with the children’s bodies, Achomneue with the children’s bodies, Paus with the children’s bodies, Pemsai with the children’s bodies, Famoune with the children’s bodies, and Psind with the children’s bodies, and the ones from Patechonti will appear.
For the same, the amount of Bopd into the drachmas.