τοὺς τοπάρχα[ς] κρίματα κα̣θήκει εἰς τοὺς φόρους ἢ τὰ[ς] ὠνὰ[ς] ἀλλʼ ἢ τὸν νομάρχην μετὰ τοῦ στρατηγοῦ. ἐὰν δέ τις παρὰ ταῦτα κρινῆι ἢ κριθῆι ἄκυρα ἔστω.
ἐὰν ἐμβῆι βοῦς ἢ ὑποζύγιον ἢ πρόβατον ἢ ἄλλο τι ν̣ο̣ν εἰς ἀλλότριον κλῆρον ἢ παράδεισον ἢ κῆπον ἢ ἀμπ[ελῶ]να ἢ κατανέμηι τι ἢ καταβλαψῆι, ἀποτεισάτω ὁ κύριος τῶι βλαφθέντι τὸ βλά-βος ὃ ἂν καταβλάψηι ἐκ κρίσεως. πρὸ κρίσεως δὲ μη-θεὶς ἐνεχυραζέτω μήδε ἀποβιαζέσθω μηδὲν παρευρέσει μηδεμ[ιᾶ]ι. ἐὰν δέ τις τούτων τι ποι-ήσηι, ἀποτεισάτω [παραχρῆ]μα (δραχμὰς) Α καὶ ὃ ἂν ἐνε-χυράσηι [ἢ ἀποβιάσηται] ἀποδότω τῶι κυρίωι παρα-χρῆμα. ἐπαναγκαζέτω δὲ αὐτὸν ὁ πράκτωρ ὁ ἐπὶ τῶν βασιλικ[ῶ]ν προσόδων τεταγμένος.
The local governors shall decide on the taxes or the prices. But if anyone judges contrary to these, let it be invalid.
If an ox, or a beast of burden, or a sheep, or anything else enters into another's field, or garden, or vineyard, or if he distributes anything or causes damage, let the owner compensate the injured party for the damage he causes according to judgment. Before judgment, let no one pledge anything nor let anything be seized in the presence of no one. But if anyone does any of these things, let him compensate immediately (in drachmas) and whatever he has pledged or seized, let him return to the owner immediately. Let the agent who is in charge of the royal revenues compel him.