ν ἐν δι̣καστηρίο[ις καὶ ἐκτὸς δικαστηρίων] [τ]οῖς διʼ ἑαυτῶν [υ̣σ̣ι̣ ἐντολεῦ̣[σι] [ἐγ]γράφως τε [καὶ ἀγ]ράφως [λ̣ακον συμβ[ ]λ̣[ων[ ]εντος η̣[π]αρʼ αὐτοῦ δι[ ]αν τοῦ δ[ε]σ̣πότου μου τοῦ [δ]ιωμολογηθεν[ ]
μείν̣[α]ν̣τος π[ ]
συν̣[ ]
[ ]των [ ]κ̣[ ]
διομολογηθεν[ ]
(No Latin text extracted)
"In the courts and outside the courts, those who act on their own [authority] [are to be] written [in] both [formal] and [informal] orders. [The] Laconians [are to be] [involved] in the matters of [the] lord of mine who has been [legally] acknowledged."