τ[κα]ὶ κατα̣γ̣[εγρ]α̣φ̣[ηκέν]α̣ι̣ δεσπ̣[οτ ε̣ξ̣α̣ι̣̣ν πάν̣τ̣ων τῶν̣ [γ]εναμ[ένω]ν π̣ρ[αθ]έντων μ̣[ο]ι ὑπὸ το̣[ῦ μ]ν̣ημ̣ονε[υ]θέν[τος] θ̣ωσι[γ]ε̣ν̣α̣μένη̣ [παρ’] α̣ὐτοῦ εἰς [ἐμ]ὲ̣ προσ̣τ̣σ̣σαι ἐγγρ̣ά̣φ̣ῳ ὠνῇ μ[η]δ̣ενὸς πρ[ο]σ̣ώπου̣ κα̣[θ’ ο]ἱωνδήπ̣[ο]τε τρόπ̣[ον] ἢ χρόνον ταύτην̣ [κ]αταράξαν̣τ̣ο̣ς̣ σύνολον ἕ̣ν̣εκε̣ν̣ τ̣[ούτων] τῶν οἰκη̣[μ]ά̣των ἢ̣ [μέρ]ους αὐτῶ̣ν̣ ἢ τοῦ πρ[ογεγ]ραμμέ[νο]υ μέρους [ἡ]μ̣ίσους τοῦ εἰρημ̣[έν]ο̣υ αὐλιδρίου, καὶ [ἡν]ίκα πέπ̣ρακά σο̣[ι] τοὺς ἐπι̣π̣έ̣δους δ̣[ύο οἴ]κ̣ους̣ τ[ῷ] γ̣εναμέν̣[ῳ] παρ’ ἐμοῦ̣ [ε]ἰς σὲ ὠνι̣α̣[κ]ῷ μετὰ μέρ̣[ο]υς ἡμίσεω[ς] τοῦ εἰρημ̣ένου αὐλιδ̣ρ̣ί̣ου, οὐδὶς οὐδ’ ἔγωγε̣ [ο]ὐδὲ μετὰ τ̣αῦτα μη̣[δεὶς] σ̣ιασεν ἢ δ[ι]ε̣φ̣ώνησεν παντελῶ[ς] ἕνεκεν τῆ̣ς αὐτῆς πρά̣σ̣εως ἐμ̣ο̣ῦ̣ παραδε̣δ̣οκότο<ς> σοι σω̣[μ]α̣τ̣ικῶς τὴν νομὴν καὶ ταύτην ἀστασίαστον σοῦ καταδεξαμέν̣ου̣ τούτων [ο]ὕ̣τ̣ω̣ς̣ ἐ̣χ̣όντω̣ν ἐπὶ τ̣ο̣ῦ̣ π̣[αρ]ό̣ντος δι̣ε̣μαρτύρ̣α̣τ̣[ο] λ̣έ̣γων ὑπό̣ τινων ἐ̣ξ̣[ου]σ̣ιάζεσθαι [τ]ὸ πραθέν̣ [σ]ο̣ι παρ’ ἐμ[οῦ] μέρος ἥ̣[μ]ισυ τοῦ εἰρημένου̣ [α]ὐλιδρίου̣ το̣σ̣αῦτ]α ποιοντ̣[ν οὐκέτ̣[ι π]λ̣ηρώσε̣ι̣[ν] ἡ̣μᾶς γ̣ίτ̣[ον]α̣ς πιρωμ[ένο]υ̣ς̣ κινε̣[ῖν π]ερὶ τού̣[του] ὥσ̣τε ἀβ̣έ̣β̣α̣ι̣ο̣ν̣ ε̣ἶ[ναι] τ̣ὴν τοια̣[ύ]τ̣η̣ν̣ ν̣[ομή]ν̣. ἔδι γὰρ τ̣ὴν [αὐτ]ὴν εὐδοκ(ιμωτάτην) κ̣α̣θ̣’ ἑκ[ατ]έ̣ρων̣ ἡ̣[μῶν διὰ π]α̣ραγγελ[ία]ς δηλ[ῶσαι τὴ]ν̣ περὶ̣ τοῦ α̣[ὐτοῦ] ἀγωγὴ̣[ν] κ̣αὶ δ̣ι̣[αδικα]σ̣ί̣αν ὡς [ το]σ̣οῦτο πιρ̣ώ̣νται̣ ς̣ ἵ̣ν̣α κἀ̣γ̣ὼ̣ εν̣[π]ρ̣οφάσει νο[ης ἀ̣π̣ὸ τ̣[οῦ νῦ]ν χ̣ωρ̣[ή]σ̣ω κα̣τ̣[ὰ] τ̣[οῦ] Γεωρ[γ]ί̣ου υἱοῦ [κ]λ̣ηρονόμο̣υ̣ τοῦ μν̣η̣[μο]ν̣ευθέντο[ς] μακ̣αρ(ιωτάτου) [Στ]ε̣φ̣άνου Λε[ο]ν̣τ̣ί̣ο[υ] τ̣η̣ν̣[ί]κ̣α̣ κατέχο̣ν̣[τος ἐ̣κ̣ί̣νου τ̣ὰ̣ π̣ράγμα̣[τα αὐ]τ̣ὸν τ̣ὸ̣ ἱ̣καν̣[ὸν δοῦν]αι ἐπὶ̣ τῇ̣ ὁμά̣[δι] ε̣[ ἀ̣πὸ̣ τ̣ο̣ῦ μ̣[ κ̣ε̣[ λ̣κ̣ι̣ν̣[
(none extracted)
"And it has been written down by the lord that from all those who have been born, I, under the memorial mentioned, should be brought to him in writing, without any person whatsoever, in whatever manner or time they may have cursed this. A total of one from these houses or part of them or the programmed part of half of the mentioned courtyard, and when I have delivered to you the two upper houses, which were born from me to you in a sale, with half of the mentioned courtyard, no one, not even I, nor after this, has denied or completely spoken against this action of mine, having been handed over to you in a manner that is secure, and this is how these things are held in the present, declaring that some are to be exempted from the part that has been given to you by me, half of the mentioned courtyard. These things are done so that we may no longer be filled with neighbors, and to move around this, so that this kind of possession may be uncertain. For I have given the same most favorable (thing) to each of us through the orders to declare the conduct and the trial concerning the same, as much as they are willing to do. So that I also, in advance, may be able to separate from now on according to the son of Georgios, the heir of the memorial of the most blessed Stephanus Leontios, who holds the mentioned things."