τοῖς τὸ λε (ἔτος) ἄρχουσι παρὰ Ἱππάλου καὶ Θεοδότου καὶ Πολυ ν [τ]ῶν γ Ἰουδαίων τῶν ἐκ Πειμπαζβύ[τεως]. [με]μι̣σθ̣ωμένων ἡ̣μ̣ῶν [ἐ]ν
Π̣α̣ῦ̣ν̣[ι] [ε πρ(ὸς) Εὐφράνο̣ρα
(No Latin text found in the provided document)
"To those who are in the year of the magistrates, from Hippalus and Theodotus and Poly... of the Jews from Peimbazbytis. Of our shared [property]... to Pauni... towards Euphranor."