το[ῖ]ς τὸ [-ca.?-] λ̣ (*) (ἔτος) ἄρχουσιν̣ π[α]ρ̣ὰ̣ Π̣ρ̣ω̣[το]μ̣ά̣χ[ου] τοῦ Δ̣η̣μητρίου.
ἐπ̣έ̣δ̣ω̣κ̣[α] ὑ̣μῖν ὑ̣πόμ̣ν̣η̣μα ἐ̣ν̣ τ̣ῶ̣ι̣ Φαρ̣μ̣οῦθ̣ι̣ τ̣οῦ λ (ἔτους) 5 κ̣α̣τ̣ʼ [Εὐ]φ̣ρ̣ά̣ν̣ο̣ρος [-ca.?-] π̣ε̣ρ̣ὶ τοῦ [ὀμω]μ̣οκ̣έ̣να̣ι μ̣οι αὐτὸν εἰς ἣν̣ π̣ρ̣[ο]σ̣η̣ν̣έ̣γ̣κ̣ατό μ̣ο̣ι̣ φερνὴν μ̣έ̣ρο̣ς ἀ̣μπ̣ελ̣ῶ̣νος ἐν ἀρ̣γ̣(υρίου) (δραχμαῖς) Γ [-0-3-] ἡν]ί̣κʼ ἂν τιθῶμαι α̣ὐτῆι [-0-3-] τὴν σ]υ̣νοικισίο̣υ συγγ̣ρ̣α̣φὴν̣, [-0-3-] ε̣ν̣έ̣γ̣κασθαι αὐτὸ διʼ ἀρχε̣[ί]ο̣υ ̣ ̣ου ὑπομένοντος τ̣ίθεσθ[α]ι̣ [-0-3-] Ε̣ὐφράνορα μὴ ὑπ̣ε̣[-0-3-] ἀ̣π̣ο[-ca.?-] χωρι[-0-3-] ̣ ̣μοι ἀλ[λʼ] ἐ̣φ̣έσθα̣[ι -ca.?-] ἀ̣πο̣[-0-3-] ̣ εθ̣εσει̣ν⟦ ̣⟧υφ̣[-ca.?-] ὑπεγράψατε το[ῖ]ς ἐν Τ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [-ca.?-] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [-0-3-] οἱς διεξάγειν [-0-3-] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [-0-3-] ̣ ̣ [-0-3-] 20 διακουσάντων [-0-3-] ̣ ̣ [-0-3-] ——— κ̣αὶ θεμέ[ν]ων ὑπ̣ογρα[φ]ὴν τ̣ῶν κ̣ρ̣ι̣ν̣ά̣ντων̣, [τοῦ δὲ] Εὐφράνορ[ο]ς μὴ ἐ̣μ̣μ̣έν̣[ο]ντος 25 ἐν τούτοις παρέδ[ω]καν αὐτόν τ̣ι̣σιν κατ̣α̣στῆσ[α]ι ἐφʼ ὑμᾶς κατʼ ἐπισ̣τ̣[ολήν, ὑπ]ο̣τάξαντες αὐτῆι κα̣ὶ̣ τ̣[ὸ ἀντίγ]ρ̣αφον τῆς ὑπογρα(φῆς) καὶ ο̣ὗ ἔθετό̣ μοι ὅρκου 30 πατρίου. ἐπεὶ ου῏ν ὁ Εὐφράνωρ οὐκ ἐᾶ̣ (*) με ἐφάπ̣τ̣ε̣σ[θ]αι τοῦ δεδ̣η̣- λω̣μένου μέρους [ἀ]μπελῶνο̣ς οὔτε τὰ δί̣κα̣ι̣ά̣ μ̣ο[ι] π̣οιεῖ, κατε- γνωκὼς τῶι ἐπ ̣ ̣ [-0-3-] ̣ ̣ ιας̣ τετευ- 35 χ̣έ̣ν̣αι, ἀξιῶ ἐ̣ὰ̣ν̣ φ̣α̣[ίν]ηται μετα- πεμψαμέν̣ο̣υ̣ς̣ α̣[ὐτὸν ἐπαν]αγ- κάσ̣αι ποι̣ῆ[σαί μοι τ]ὸ̣ δ̣ίκαιον ἀκ[ο]λούθ̣ω̣ς̣ Traces ὑπογρ(αφ- ). τ[ο]ύ̣τ̣ο̣υ [γὰρ γ]ε̣ν̣ο̣μ̣έ̣ν̣ο̣υ̣ 40 τεύξομαι τῆς παρʼ [ὑμ]ῶ̣ν̣ ἀντιλήμψε[ω]ς̣.
None extracted.
To those who are in [-ca.?-] the year of the archons, from Protomachus of Demetrius.
I have given you a memorandum in the month of Pharmouthi of the year 5 according to Euphranor concerning the [-ca.?-] about the [-ca.?-] which I have brought to you, a portion of the vineyard in silver (drachmas) G [-0-3-] whenever I may place it in that [-0-3-] the agreement of the settlement, [-0-3-] to be received by him through the archive, while he is not enduring to be placed [-0-3-] Euphranor not being [-0-3-] apart from [-ca.?-] the place [-0-3-] but rather it will be [-ca.?-] to be [-0-3-] to be established [-0-3-] you have signed to those in T [-0-3-] to conduct [-0-3-] [-0-3-] [-0-3-] of those who are hearing [-0-3-] and the foundation of the signatures of those who are judging, but Euphranor not remaining in these things has delivered him to those to be established upon you according to the letter, having submitted to her and the counter-signature of the signature and where I have placed for me the oath of my father. Since indeed Euphranor does not allow me to touch the declared part of the vineyard nor does he do the just things for me, having been condemned by the one who has [-0-3-] [-0-3-] I demand if it seems right to send him back to me to do the just thing accordingly.