ὁμοί(ως) (δραχμῶν) χ οἰκ̣(ῶν) ἐ̣ν̣ το̣ῖ̣ς̣ τος̣ δ̣ι̣(ὰ) [α̣ς ἀπὸ Θεσ(μοφορίου) λι]ν̣οΰφ(ου) οἰκ(οῦντος) πρ(ὸς) Με̣νεψίῳ
ἀπὸ Ἀπολ(λωνίου) Παρεμ(βολῆς) ὁμοί(ως) (δραχμῶν) χ οἰκ(ῶν) ἐν τῷ Θεάτρῳ δι(ὰ) Δίου τοῦ [ο]υ̣ ἀπὸ Γυ(μνασίου) τ̣ῆς Τισάιτος ἀπὸ Θεσ(μοφορίου) ὁμοί(ως) (δραχμῶν) χ
[οἰκ(ῶν) ἐν ν̣ῳ βαλανείῳ] Πιτωρίου λινόϋφ(ος) [ἀπὸ Ἀπολ(λωνίου)] Παρ(εμβολῆς) ὁμοί(ως) (δραχμῶν) χ [ουντος ἐν τῷ [ἀγώρου] δι(ὰ) [ώρου ἀπὸ Γυ(μνασίου)
[μη(τρὸς) Μ]α̣ρίας ἀπὸ Ἀπολ(λωνίου) Παρ(εμβολῆς) ὁμοί(ως) (δραχμῶν) χ [ὁμ]οί(ως) [(δραχμῶν) χ]
ἔσ]τ̣(ι) σχοινιοπλόκ(ος) ἀπὸ Ἀπο]λ̣(λωνίου) Π̣αρ(εμβολῆς) ὁμοί(ως) [(δραχμῶν) χ] ἔστ(ι) ἰ]χθυοπώλ(ης) [τοῦ Παλαμήδου ἀπ̣[ὸ Ἀπολ(λωνίου) Παρ(εμβολῆς)]
[δι(ὰ) Σε(?)]ρήνου βοηθ(οῦ) νιτριοπ(ώλου) [ο]ἰκ(ῶν) ἐν το(ῖς) Σεουήρου
(δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν) (δραχμῶν)
"Similarly (of drachmas) x of houses in the [places] through [the] from Thesmophoria, linen from the house of Menepheios."
"From Apollonios of the Parambole, similarly (of drachmas) x of houses in the theater through Dio of [the] from the Gymnasium of Tisaite, from Thesmophoria, similarly (of drachmas) x."
"Of houses in the bathhouse of Pitotios, linen from Apollonios of the Parambole, similarly (of drachmas) x [of those in the market] through [the] hour from the Gymnasium."
"Of the mother of Maria from Apollonios of the Parambole, similarly (of drachmas) x [similarly] [(of drachmas) x]."
"It is a rope-maker from Apollonios of the Parambole, similarly [(of drachmas) x]. It is a fish seller [of Palamides from Apollonios of the Parambole]."
"Through Serenus, helper of the nitriopole, [of houses] in the [places] of Seuerius."