Ἑρμαῖος Ἀπ[ο]λλωνίωι
τῶι τιμιωτάτωι
σημ[εί]ωσ̣αι κύριε
ἐὰν δοκῇ σοι τὰ προγρ(άμματα(?))
κ̣αὶ τὸ ἕτερον κέλευ-
σον παρὰ σοὶ προτε-
θῆναι· ἐπὶ [τ]οὺς κω-
μ[ο]γραμματεῖς εὐθ̣έως
[ἔγρ]αψα [
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
[ -ca.?- ]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
Hermes to Apollonios,
to the most honorable,
Let it be noted, sir,
if it seems good to you, the drafts(?)
and the other, command to be presented to you;
immediately I have written to the clerks
[I have written]
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
[ -ca.?- ]
To Apollonios
[ -ca.?-