κ (ἔτους) Παῦνι ιθ. δὸς λόγου Ἰουλίων Θέωνος καὶ Θέω(νος) Ἁρπαήσει κεραμεῖ κάτω οὐσίας εἰς μισθοὺς κατασκε[υ-] ῆς οἰνηγῶν κούφων (*), ὧν κατασκευάζει ἐν κεραμε̣[ί-] ῳ κάτω οὐσίας, διὰ Καλλι-νείκου (*)(δραχμὰς) μ. (hand 2) δὸς τὰς (δραχμὰς) μ.
None extracted.
In the year of Pauni 19, give the words of the Julians Theon and Theon of Harpaseis to the potter below the property for the wages of the construction of the light wine vessels (*), of which he constructs in the pottery below the property, through Callinicus (*)(drachmas) m. (hand 2) give the (drachmas) m.