Κηλητῇ χαίρειν. θαυμ[ά-]ζω πῶς μέχρι σήμε-
ρον οὐδέν μοι ἐδή-
λωσας ⟦ ⟧ καθὼς
ἠθέλησας. ἐ̣νλόγη-
σον τω̣ ̣ ̣ ̣
[ ̣ ] ̣ τοῦ̣ μηνὸς
τὰς (δραχμὰς) ̣ [ ̣ ] ἐ̣ὰ̣ν [ἄ]ξιος
ἦ̣ν· π̣[ά]ντες γὰ̣ρ ἐγύ-
[π]τ̣ι̣[οι] (*).
[α]ν̣έ̣σθη̣τ[ο]ι (*).
ἰσιν (*).
ἔ̣πεμψά σοι τ̣οὺς
καμήλου̣ς ὅπ̣ως
χορτη[γή]σ̣ωσ̣ι̣ κ̣α̣ὶ̣ [δρα-]
γματηγ̣ήσ̣ωσι· ἔπε-
μ̣ψα δὲ καὶ Δ[ι]ο̣γένην
[ἵ]να τὸ̣ν̣ λόγον τῶν
ὀ̣φειλομένων ἀπο̣-
σ̣υμβιβάσῃ. ἐρρῶσ-
vac. ?
θαί σε ε̣ὔ̣χο̣μ(αι)
(No Latin text found in the extracted document)
To Kēlēthē, greetings. I marvel how until today you have not declared anything to me as you wished. Please consider this for this month the (drachmas) if it was worthy; for all have been unfeeling. I have sent you the camels so that they may provide fodder and may trade in drachmas. I have also sent Diogenes so that he may arrange the account of the debts. I wish you well, Kēlēthē.