Ἡρᾶς Ἀμόιτ(ος) τοῦ Παποντῶτ(ος) [μητ(ρὸς)] Θαισᾶτος
οἶκ(ος) ἐ
Ἄμμωνος θεοῦ μεγίστο[υ]
Θοῶνις Διον( ) τοῦ Ἀμόιτ(ος) μητ(ρὸς) Θαισᾶτος
οἶκ(ος) καὶ αἴθ(ριον) ἔχει θυγ(ατέρας) Τααμόιν καὶ Θαισᾶν
Θεόδωρος Θοω( ) τοῦ Κ̣ρ̣ονίου μητ(ρὸς) Σινθώ[νιος]
ὡς Θεοδω( ) Θοω( ) τοῦ Α̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ μητ(ρὸς) Σινθεοδω( ) οἰκία καὶ [ψιλὸς]
τόπ(ος) καὶ εγκ̣ο ὁ(μοίως) ψιλ(ὸς) τόπ(ος) περὶ Τε̣ν̣
ἔχει υἱοὺς Θοῶνιν καὶ Ἀμοῦν[μητ(ρὸς)] Θαι̣σ̣ᾶτος
Θοῶνις πρεσβ(ύτερος) Λογγί[νου]
None extracted.
Hera of Amoiṭos, of the Father of the Mother Thaisatos
House of the greatest god Ammon
Thoonis Dion of Amoiṭos, mother Thaisatos
House and hall has the daughters Taamoïn and Thaisan
Theodoros Thoo of Kronios, mother Sinthōnios
As Theodor of Thoo, of the mother Sinthodō, house and [plain]
Place and also plain place around Ten
Has sons Thoonin and Amoun, mother Thaisatos
Thoonis elder of Longinus