κ̣αὶ ἔχω ἀπὸ τῆς Ζήνωνος τραπέζης Τοτορταίου τιμὴν τοῦ ἡμικα(δίου) τοῦ οἴνου καὶ παρὰ Νοημᾶτος ὥστε Ἱρεῖ καὶ παρὰ Πτόλλεως χρέος καὶ παρʼ Ἐλαφίου ὁμοίως ἀν(ὰ) Ἀσ̣ Δ̣ωροθέῳ στίππιον χορδὰς [ἀ]ρ̣ραβῶνα πορήοις εἰς Φ̣ι̣λ̣αδέλφειαν (γίνονται) (λοιπαὶ) ἀνάλωμα Ἀκέους ἐμπόρου εἰς ὃν ὀφείλει μοι λόγον (πυροῦ) (ἀρταβῶν) ἀπὸ̣ δ̣ὲ̣ τῶν προκειμένων κρέα[ς] ὄψον Φιλωτέρᾳ νακορικὸν τριβεῖ σῥαφάνια νίτρον (γίνονται) καὶ ἔχει ἀπὸ τῶν ἐκ τοῦ Βίκου σ⟦ ⟧το καὶ ἔχει Μέλας ἀπ̣ὸ̣ τούτων Δ̣ω̣ρ̣οθέωι εἰς τιμὴν ἀργυ(ρίου) (δραχμῶν) (τάλαντα) καὶ Πετοσῖρις ὀνηλ̣ά̣της ὁμοίως στατῆ(ρας) (γίνονται) (τάλαντα) ἀπὸ δὲ τῶν προκειμένων Ἁθὺρ Σαββατα ἔχω̣ ζύτου̣ς̣ ν στήμονος καὶ ἔχει Σαποικομησρ Ἀπολλῶτος (γίνονται) καὶ ἔχω παρὰ Σήθου ἐρίων ἀνὰ καὶ παρʼ Ἀποκόπου καὶ ἀπὸ οἰκοδό[μου (γίνονται) Ἀνδρονίκῳ ὄψου Θεο̣[δώρῳ (γίνονται) καὶ παρὰ Ἀκέους θ κῖκι ρκ ὄψον μ ἐλααιοπ̣οι[ία(?)] Ἡρακλείδει εἰς συμπλήρω(σιν) τῶν [ ] (γίνονται) (λοιπαὶ) καὶ Εσ ((unintelligible)) εἰς τὸν Ἡρώδου̣ ὥστʼ ἔχειν αὐτὸν τὴν̣ [ ]
(p. 1) Ἀκέους ἐμπόρου εἰς ὃν ὀφείλει μοι λόγον (πυροῦ) (ἀρταβῶν) (p. 2) πρὸς Ἕρμωνα ἔχει ἐν τῶι συλλόγῳ Ἀποῦς Πτολεμα(ίου) (p. 3) σχελίδος
"And I have from the table of Zenon of Totortai the honor of the half-measure of wine, and from Nohematos as far as Here, and from Ptoleos a debt, and from Elaphios likewise. (They are) to be provided to Dorotheos a stipend of strings, a pledge to be provided to Philadelphia. (They are) (the remaining) expenses of the merchant Akaios, for which he owes me a reason (of grain) (of artabos) from the preceding matters, meat, a dish for Philotera, a tribute of tributes, nitre (they are) and he has from those from the Bikos and he has Melas from these to Dorotheos for the honor of silver (of drachmas) (talents) and Petosiris the onelatist likewise (they are) (talents). From the preceding matters, Athur of the Sabbat, I have of the wheat of the stamen and he has Sapokomis of Apollos (they are) and I have from Seth wool among and from Apokopos and from the builder (they are) to Andronikos of the dish to Theodorus (they are) and from Akaios (they are) (the remaining) and to Herakleidis for the completion of the [ ] (they are) (the remaining) and to Es ((unintelligible)) to Herod, so that he has it [ ]"