ἐπιβολ(ὴ) ἀ(νὰ) (πυροῦ ἀρτάβας)
Ἄλκιμος ὁ καὶ Διονύσιος καὶ ὡς χ̣ρη(ματίζει)
Τύραννος γυμ(νασιαρχ ) (ἀρουρ )
Ἀριστίδης γυμ(νασιαρχ ) (ἀρουρ )
Ἀπολλώνιος υἱὸς Μάρωνος (ἀρουρ )
Ἀπίων νομάρχης (ἀρουρ )
Ἀπιανὸς γυμ(νασιαρχ ) Ἀλεξ(ανδρείας) (ἀρουρ )
Ταμύσθα Μύσθου (ἀρουρ )
Ἀλεξανδρας Διοσκόρου / (ἀρουρ )
⟦Ἀλῆς Ισ̣ι̣̣ς⟧ (ἀρούρης)
κληρον(όμοι) Θαίδος γυν(αικὸς)
Εὐδᾶτος (ἀρουρ )
Παλλοῦς Ἀνουβίωνος κ(αὶ) ἄ(λλοι) (ἀρουρ )
Ἡρωνᾶς ἀρχ(ιερεὺς) καὶ Διονύσιος λαμπα[
Νεπωτι[ανὸ]ς σ̣τρ( ) (ἀρουρ )
⟦Σοῆρις Τιτῶς̣⟧
Ἰσιδω[ρια]νὸς ἀδελ(φός) / (ἀρούρης)
Σοῆρι[ς α̣ν̣ο̣υ̣ς / (ἀρουρ )
BL 10.249 : (μοναρτάβου) δ ((unintelligible)) prev. ed.
BL 11.252 : Ω ̣ ̣ρηλ( ) prev. ed.
BL 11.252 : γυμ( ) prev. ed.
BL 11.252 : α̣γ̣( ) prev. ed.
Imposition of (the fire of the artaaba)
Alcimus, who is Dionysius, and as he is dealing with money
Tyrant, gymnasiarch (of the aroura)
Aristides, gymnasiarch (of the aroura)
Apollonius, son of Maro (of the aroura)
Apion, governor (of the aroura)
Apianus, gymnasiarch of Alexandria (of the aroura)
Tamystha of Mysthos (of the aroura)
Alexandras of Dioskoros (of the aroura)
Alis Isis (of the aroura)
Heirs of Thais, woman
Eudatos (of the aroura)
Pallus of Anubion and others (of the aroura)
Heron, high priest, and Dionysius, lamp bearer
Nepotianus, (of the aroura)
Soeiris Titos
Isidorian brother (of the aroura)
Soeiris (of the aroura)