Ἀντωνῖος Ἀμμωνιανός
Ἀὐρηλίος Ἀρποκρατίων
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
Ἀττικὸς καὶ Πρατεξτάτος
fidius Victorinus
Praesente et Extrica[to] c̣o(n)s(ulibus) factus dec(urio) ex eq(uite) leg(ionis) ị[i Traianae fortis
v(iro) p̣(erfectissimo) tụnc dụce iiị Noṇaṣ Apriles Attico et Prạeṭ[extato co(n)s(ulibus)
g̣ṛạṭ[o] ẹṭ Seleucọ c̣o(n)ṣ(ulibus) [f]ạctus dec(urio) ex sesq(uiplicario) alae
bṛẹṣ Aṭṭịco et Praeṭẹx̣ṭaṭo c̣ọ(n)s(ulibus) a Basileo p̣[raef(ecto) Aeg(ypti)
Ṃạximo et Urban[o] c̣o(n)s(ulibus) factus dec(urio) ex sesq(uiplicario) alae
co(n)s(ul ) factu]ṣ ḍ[e]c(urio) ex dupḷ(icario) alae gall(icae) Gorḍ[ianae
ḍec Aṭṭịc̣ọ ẹṭ Praẹṭẹxta[to co(n)s(ulibus)
divo] Ạ[l]ẹx̣ạṇḍṛo ẹ[t Dion]e co(n)s(ulibus) f̣[actu]ṣ [de]c̣(urio) ẹx eq(uite)
coḥ(ort ) vi p[r](aetoria )
ọ[ I]ḍuṣ A[pr]iles A[rriano et Papo co(n)s(ulibus)
coh(or ) iii Iturạẹ[o]ṛụṃ
Pet]ẹṇefotes Hierax
Ag]ṛịc̣ọla eṭ C̣lementino co(n)s(ulibus) factus dec(urio) ex̣ [
a Ianuari]o tunc praef(ecto) Aeg(ypti) iii Kal(endas) Sẹp̣ṭ(embres) Agricola et C̣[lementino co(n)s(ulibus)
A]ụṛẹlius Ạ[r]pocra[t]ịoṇ ṣ Ạg̣ṛicola eṭ C̣lementino c̣[o(n)s(ulibus)] f̣ạctus ord(inatus) [e]x̣ eq(uite)
an[ pr]aef̣(ect ) Aeg(ypti) N[onis
Fidius Victorinus, in the presence of the consuls Atticus and Praetextatus, was made a decurion from the equestrian order of the brave legion of Trajan.
The most perfect man, then, under the leadership of the consuls Atticus and Praetextatus, was made a decurion from the equestrian order.
Grat[o] and Seleucus, made a decurion from the squadron of the equestrian order.
At the time of Atticus and Praetextatus, made a decurion from the squadron of the equestrian order under the prefect of Egypt, Basil.
Maximus and Urbanus, made a decurion from the squadron of the equestrian order.
Consul made a decurion from the double squadron of the Gallic Gordian.
At the time of Atticus and Praetextatus, made a decurion from the cohort of the praetorian.
On the Ides of April, under the consuls Arrianus and Papo.
Cohort III of the Ituraeans.
Petenefotes Hierax, made a decurion from the prefect of Egypt, Agricola and Clementinus.
On the 3rd of January, under the prefect of Egypt, Agricola and Clementinus.
Aurelius Arpocration, made a decurion from the equestrian order under Agricola and Clementinus.
Prefect of Egypt, Nones.