ἀντίγραφον. βασιλευόντων Πτ[ο]λεμαίου τοῦ ἐπικαλουμένου Ἀλεξάνδρ[ου] καὶ Βερενίκ[ης τ]ῆς ἀδελφῆς θεῶν Φιλομητόρων Σωτήρων, ἔτους [πεν]τεκαιδεκάτου ἐφʼ ἱερέ[ω]ν κα[ὶ ἱ]ερειῶν καὶ κανηφόρ[ου τ]ῶν ὄντων καὶ οὐσῶν, μηνὸς Ἐπ[εὶ]φ θ. ἐν Κροκοδίλων πό[λ]ει ἐπεὶ (*) Πανίσκου ἀγορανόμου τῆς ἄνω [τοπα]ρχίας τοῦ Παθυρί[του]. ἀπέδο[το] Σε[νσ]οῦχις Νεχθάτιος Π[ε]ρσίνη ὡς ἐτῶν ̣ ̣ μέ[ση] μελιχρωη (*) μακρ[ο]π[ρό]σω(πος) εὐθυρι(ν) (*) φακὸς παρὰ ῥιν[ὶ] 5 ἐξ ἀρ(ιστερῶν), [μετὰ κ]υρίου Πανεβχοῦνις τοῦ Φίλωνος ὡς (ἐτῶν) ̣ ̣ μ[έσο]υ μελιχρώου τεταν[οῦ] μακρο(προσώπου) εὐθύρ(ρινος) ὑποσκνίφο[υ] χωλ[οῦ, ἀπὸ] τῆς ὑπαρχούσης αὐτῆι καὶ τοῖς ἀδελφοῖς ἐν τῶι ἄνω Κροκ[ο]δίλων πόλεως γῆς ἠπείρου σιτ[ο-] φόρου α ̣ ̣ ̣ κ̣α καὶ τοῦ προσόντος vac. ? χλάσματος (*), ἧς γείτο[ν]ες [ν]ότου Νεχούτου τοῦ [Σ]αραπίωνος καὶ τῶν ἀδελφ[ῶν], βορρᾶ γῆ Ἱππάρχου καὶ τῶν ἀδε(λφῶν), ἀπηλιώτου Πνήφιος [το]ῦ Κ[α]λλιμήδου καὶ Πετεσούχου τοῦ Πατόμγους (*), λιβὸς Νεχούτου τοῦ Σαραπίωνος vac. ? ἢ οἳ ἂν ὦσ[ι] γε[ίτ]ονες πάντοθεν, ἀρούρας δ 𐅵 δύω (*) ἐπρίατο Πακοίβιος 10 Φίλωνος [τ]ῶν φρουρίου ὡς (ἐτῶν) λϛ μέσος μελί(χρως) μα̣κ̣ροπρόσω(πος) εὐθύ(ρριν) οὐλαὶ προσώπωι χαλκο(ῦ) τα(λάντου) ἑνός . προπωλήτρια καὶ βεβα[ι]ώτρια τῶν κατὰ τὴν ὠνὴν ταύτην πάντων Σενσοῦχις ἡ ἀποδομένη, ἣν ἐδέξαντο (*) Πακοῖβις ὁ πριάμενος. Πανίσκος κεχρη(μάτικα).
Copy. Of the reigning Ptolemy, called Alexander, and Berenice, the sister of the gods Philometor Saviors, in the year of the fifteenth, on the priests and priestesses and the carriers of the offerings that are and exist, in the month of Epiph, in the city of Crocodilopolis, since (*) of Paniskos, the agoranomos of the upper toparchy of Pathyris. It was given to Sensoukhis Nechthathios Persinis, aged about ̣ ̣, of honey-colored complexion (*) with a long face (having) a straight nose (*) and a beard on the right side, [with] lord Panebchounis, son of Philon, aged about ̣ ̣, of honey-colored complexion, with a long face, having a straight nose, with a beard, lame, from the existing property and to his brothers in the upper city of Crocodilopolis, of the land of the continent, grain-producing a ̣ ̣ ̣ and of the adjoining land vac. ? of the neighboring Nechouthos of Sarapion and of the brothers, of the northern land of Hipparchos and of the brothers, of the sun-baked Pniphios of Callimedes and of Petesouchos of Patomgous (*), the libation of Nechouthos of Sarapion vac. ? or whoever may be the neighbors from all sides, of the arable land d 𐅵 two (*) was purchased by Pakobios, son of Philon of the fortress, aged (about) 16, of honey-colored complexion, with a long face, having a straight nose, with a copper (talanthos) of one. The seller and the guarantor of all in this sale, Sensoukhis, the one who was given, whom Pakobios the buyer accepted. Paniskos, having been designated.