ν̣[ -ca.?- ] ε̣τ̣[̣ ̣ ̣] ̣ [ -ca.?- ] ἀπὸ τῶν [ὑπα]ρχ̣[ό]ν̣τω̣[ν -ca.?- διακειμένων ἐπὶ] τῆσδε τῆς πόλεω̣ς̣ [ἐπʼ ἀμφό]δ̣ο̣[υ] ̣ [ -ca.?- ]
ε̣ ̣ [̣ ]λ̣ησ̣ο[ - ca.10 - ] ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ [ -ca.?- ] ἐπὶ βορρᾶ με[τὰ π]αν[τὸς αὐτ]ῆ̣[ς τοῦ] δικαίου καὶ χρηστη- ρίων καὶ παρασχεῖν με λόγῳ ἐνοικείου (*)
αὐτῆς καθʼ ἕ- καστον ἐνιαυτὸν χρυσοῦ κεράτι̣α δεκαοκτώ, γί(νεται) χρ(υσοῦ) κερ(άτια) ιη , ὅπερ ἐνοίκειον (*) ἀ̣π̣ο̣δώσω κατʼ ἔτος
διʼ ἑξαμενου τω (*) καὶ ὁπόταν βουληθε̣ίηται (*) παραδόσω (*) τὴν νομὴ[ν τ]ῆ̣ς αὐτῆς οἰκείας (*) ἀβλαβῆ ὡς καὶ παρελαβαμεν (*).
ἁπλῆ φραφεῖσ̣α καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεῖσα) ὡμ[ο]λ(όγησα). (hand 2) Α[ὐ]ρηλία Σοφία θυγάτηρ Παύλο̣υ̣ ὁ̣ προγ̣ε̣γ̣ραμμενος (*)
πεποίημαι τὴν μίσθωσιν καὶ ἀποδώσω τὸ ἐνοίκιον καὶ ἐπερ(ωτηθεῖσα) ὡ̣μ̣ο̣λ̣(όγησα) ὡς πρόκ(ειται). Αὐρήλι[ο]ς Φοιβάμμων υ̣ἱ̣ὸ̣ς̣ Ἰωσῆφ ἀξιωθεὶς ἔγραψ̣α ὑπὲρ αὐτου (*) ἀγραμμάτου οὔσης.
((tachygraphic-marks)) v [(hand 3) Σοφί]α θυγάτηρ Παύλ(ου) ἀπὸ τῆς̣ Ὀ̣ξυρυγχ(ιτῶν πόλεως) λόγ(ῳ) ἐνοικ(ίου) χρ(υσοῦ) κερ(άτια) ιη.
(hand 2) A[ὐ]reliā Sophia
(hand 3) Sophia
[Unknown text] from the [existing] [documents] concerning this city [on the road] [Unknown text]
[Unknown text] concerning the north with [all of her] justice and good deeds and to provide me with the rent [of the house] (*)
of this [house] each year eighteen golden drachmas, which is the rent (*) I will pay annually
for six months and whenever it is desired (*) I will deliver (*) the rent of this house (*) unharmed as we have received (*).
A simple statement and having been asked I agreed. (hand 2) Aurelia Sophia daughter of Paul the pre-written (*)
I have made the lease and I will pay the rent and having been asked I agreed as is stated. Aurelius Phoibammōn son of Joseph having been deemed worthy wrote on behalf of him (*) being illiterate.
((tachygraphic-marks)) v [(hand 3) Sophia] daughter of Paul from the city of Oxyrhynchus concerning the rent of eighteen golden drachmas.