ἔσχον καὶ ἐπληρώθην ἐγὼ
υἱὸς Ἰωσὴφ
ἀπὸ τῆς Ἀρσινο<ϊ>τῶ[ν πόλεως]
παρὰ σοῦ Ἀνδρέου γραμματέως κώμ]ης Ταμαύεως
νομισμάτια δύο παρὰ κεράτια
δέκα πέντε ἥμισυ
ἐγράφη μηνὶ Φαῶ]φι κϛ ζ ἰν(δικτιῶνος)
διʼ ἐμοῦ
None extracted.
I have received and been fulfilled, I, the son of Joseph, from the city of Arsinoe, from you, Andrew, the secretary of the village of Tamau, two coins from the quarter, fifteen and a half, it was written in the month of Phamenoth, 26, 7 of the indiction. Through me.