Σύρος Ἡρωνείνωι τῷ φιλ(τάτῳ) χα(ίρειν).
δὸς Αὐξάν]οντι προνοοῦντι
τῶν περὶ Θεοξενίδα ὄξους
ἁπλᾶ µονόχω(ρα) ⟦η̣⟧ δύο (γίνονται)
ἀνάλωσο]ν̣ διὰ τῶν λόγων σου.
ἐρρῶσθαί σε εὔχοµαι φίλ(τατε).
(ἔτους) Ἐπ]εὶφ
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Syros to Heroninus, greetings to your dearest.
Give to Auxan]tis who is providing.
Of those concerning Theoxenides, vinegar.
Simple one-room ⟦is⟧ two (are made).
May you be strong through your words.
I wish you well, dear friend.
(Year) Ep]eiph.