Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)
Extracted Text
Koine Greek
None found in the provided text.
- fasc(iae) · ḷ[aneae]
- fasc(iae) ·̣ laṇ[eae]
- fasc(iae) · lanẹạ[e]
- numer(us) aeg̣r(orum)
- ạẹg̣(ri) Ṇịcostra[ti]
- aeg(ro) olẹị · cib(arii) (sextans)
- aeg(ro) oleị cib(arii) (uncia)
- aeg(ro) olei · cib(arii) (sextans)
Translation into English
The text appears to contain references to various items, possibly related to a catalog or inventory, including:
- fascicles of linen
- number of sick individuals
- olive oil for food (in different measurements)