ἕως τριῶν λιτρῶν σαπώνιν καὶ μικρὸν νίτρ[ου τοῦ εὐκλἐε(στάτου) ἀμιρᾶ. λάβῃ δὲ παρὰ τὸῦ ἐπιστάτου τῶν [τῆς Πατρικίας καὶ δέκα ὀκτὼ λίτρας βενε [τὸν τῆς βοηθείας τοῦ πραιτωρίου π]έμψο̣ν̣ μοι [Καλομηνᾷ κόμε(τι) ἀντιγ(εού)χ(ῳ) [Ἰωάννης
Until three liters of soap and a small amount of nitrate of the most excellent amira. And let him receive from the superintendent of the [of the Patricians and eight liters of venetian [the assistance of the praetorium send to me [to Kalomēnē, the village (to) the anti-geuch (to) [John.