Καλλίστρατος Ἀκεστ̣ίαι χαίρειν.
ὃν ἄν σοι παραδείξηι Πετεμούθης παρ[άδος τοῖς] φυλακί-
ταις καὶ α[ὐτὸν κα]ταστησά-
[τ]ωσαν πρὸς ἡμᾶς [
̣ ̣ ̣ ̣ ̣]
̣ ̣]
ὅπως ἐπισκεψ[ώμεθα]
No Latin text was found in the document.
Callistratus, greetings from Akēstia.
Whomever Petemouthis may show to you, the delivery to the guards, and they themselves have established [him] towards us [.
So that we may visit [.