ἀναμφισβητή[των] τ̣ο̣ῖ̣ς̣ ἐτό[λ]μησε[ν ἐπι]δοῦναι
[ἀνα]φορ[ὰν Ἀσ]κληπιάδηι βασιλικῷ γραμμα- [τεῖ π]ερὶ ψ[ιλῶ]ν τόπων ⟦ἐμῶν [π]ερὶ τῶν ἡμετέρων μο(ῦ) ψιλ(ῶν) τώπ[ων]
ἐν τῇ Σεκνο- [παίο]υ
Ν[ήσω]ι, βουλόμενος ὠνήσασθαι αὐτοὺς [ἐκ τ]οῦ ἰδίου λόγου ὡς ὄντας ἀδεσπότους
⟦[παρ]ὰ τού]τ[ων] δ[ὲ ἠγ]ορα[σ]μένων ὑπʼ [ἐμοῦ παρὰ] Χαιρ[ήμονος Ἡρώι-] δ[ου τ]οῦ προφή[του] Σούχου θε[οῦ] μεγί[στου],
[ὃς κ]αὶ κατέγ[ρ]αψέν μοι αὐτοὺς τῷ μα (ἔτει) ⟦[ἀπὸ πα]τρὸς ὄντας αὐτοῦ πατρικοὺς καὶ ἀ]κ[ολού]θ[ω]ς αἷς ἔχωι
οἰκ[ο]νομίαις ⟦[μητρ]ικούς⟧, οὓς καὶ ἀνοικοδόμησα ἐπὶ τῶι [ἀρχ]α[ί]ωι θεμελίωι. τῆς δὲ ἀναφορᾶς ἀχθεί- [σης σ]οι εἰς διαλογισμόν,
ἔδωκας προθεσ- [μία]ν κατελθεῖν ε[ἰ]ς Ἀλεξάνδ(ρειαν) ἐπὶ τὸ σὸν βῆμα ἐντὸς [μην]ὸς Ἐπείφ. κατεληλυθὼς οὖν ἐντὸς [τῆς προ]θεσμ[ί]α[ς]
δέομαι ὑπομνηματισ- [θῆν]αί μου τὸ [ὄνο]μα, μέ[χρ]ι οὗ διακούσαν- [τός] σου ἀμφιῶμαι τὰς οἰκ[ονο]μίας [καὶ] [ἀπ]ολ[υθ]ῶι τῆς συκοφαντώδου κα[τη-]
[γορί]ας, ἵνʼ ὦι εὐεργετημένος. εὐτύχ(ει). (ἔτους) α [Τιβε]ρίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ
(ἔτους) α [Τιβε]ρίου Καίσαρος Σεβαστοῦ
"Undoubtedly, he dared to grant the request concerning the royal letter of Asclepiades regarding the vacant places of my own concerning our vacant places in Sekno- Nēsōi, wishing to purchase them from his own account as being ownerless. From these, however, having been purchased by me from Chairemon the prophet of the greatest god, who also wrote them down for me in the year from his father, being his paternal and following the maternal economies, which I also rebuilt upon the ancient foundation. As for the report being sent to you for consideration, you granted a deadline to come down to Alexandria to your platform within the month of Epiph. Therefore, having come down within the deadline, I ask that my name be noted until your hearing of the economies and I may be freed from the slanderous accusation, so that you may be benefactor. Good fortune."