ἡ]γ̣ε̣[μον]ί̣ας Ἀγουσ̣[ταμνικῆς] στατιωναρίῳ
[παρὰ Θεοδοτίου] β̣ουλ(ευτου) τ[ῆς] Ἀρσινοιτ[ῶν πόλεως. ἐ]νέτυχον διὰ λ̣[ιβέλ-]
[λου τῷ κυ]ρ̣ίῳ μ[ου διασημο]τ̣άτῳ κ[όμ]ετι καὶ ἡγ̣εμό̣[νι] Φλ(αουίῳ) Ἀρη̣ιανῷ Ἀ̣λυπίῳ
[ώμενος] Ἡ̣ρακλ[ἀπὸ σ]π̣εκου̣λ̣[ατό]ρων καὶ π̣[ροσ]έταξεν αὐτοῦ τὸ μεγαλεῖον
τ]ῆς σῆ[ς μισοπον]ή̣ρου ἐνμ[ε]λείας ἀποκατ̣[αστα]θῆναί μοι τὰ γραμματῖα
[π̣αδα τοῦ σίτ̣[ο]υ̣. τὸ τοίνυν ἀ̣(ντίγραφον) τ̣ῶν γραφέντων καὶ τ̣ο̣ῦ
[ἡγεμόνος τ]ῆς ὑπ̣[ογραφῆς ἐ]π̣ιδ̣ί̣δωμ[ί] σοι ὅπω̣[ς τὰ ἀ]κ[όλ]ο̣[υθ]α τοῖς κ̣[εκελευσ]μ̣[ένοις]
μ̣ετὰ τὴν ὑπατία̣ν̣
Φλ(αουίων) Σεργείου̣ κ̣[α]ὶ̣ Ν̣ιγρι[νια-]
[νοῦ τῶν] λ̣α̣μπρο[τάτων,] Ἐπεὶφ
ἔ[σ]τι δέ.
[Φλ(άουιος) Ἀρηι]ανὸς Ἀ[λύπιος] ὁ διασημ̣ό̣τατος κόμε̣ς̣ καὶ ἡ̣γ̣εμὼν Ἀμμων[
[στατιων]αρίῳ Ἀ[ρσινοι]τῶν χαίρειν. ἔντυχαι
τ̣ο̣ῖ̣ς̣ ὑποτεταγμένοις
[καὶ φρό]ν̣τισον [κατὰ τὴν] ἀξίωσιν Θεodoτίου δοκιμάσας τὴν ἔννομ[ο]ν αὐτο[ῦ] ε[
[θαι εἰδὼς τοὺς τῶν ἀρχοντικῶν προστά-
κα̣ὶ̣ τῆς ἀναφορᾶς τὸ ἀ(ντίγραφον)
[Φλ(αουίῳ) Ἀρηιαν]ῷ Ἀλυ[πίῳ τῷ διασημοτά]τῳ κόμετι κ[α]ὶ ἡγεμόνι Ἀγουστ[α]μ̣[ν]ικῆς
[παρὰ Θ[εodoτίου βουλ(ευτοῦ) τῆς Ἀρ]σι(νοιτῶν) πόλεως. ἡ̣ σ̣ὴ δικαιοκρισία, ἡγεμὼν
βέλτιον η[
τοίνυν κατὰ τὴν
ὑ̣π̣ʼ ἀ̣ρ̣χοντ[ι]κ̣ῶ(ν)
(No Latin text was found in the extracted document.)
"To the governor of the Augustamnican province, from Theodotius, a member of the council of the city of Arsinoe. I encountered through the letter to my lord, the most distinguished cometes and governor Flavius Arianus Alypios, requesting Heracles from the speculators and commanded him to restore the greatness of your half-portion in the affairs of the administration. I have been instructed to provide you with a copy of the writings and the signature of the governor so that you may carry out the following commands. After the consulate of Flavius Sergius and Nigrinianus of the most illustrious, since it is so. Flavius Arianus Alypios, the most distinguished cometes and governor of the Arsinoe province, greets you. May you be fortunate in your subordinates and take care according to the dignity of Theodotius, having tested his lawful authority. Knowing the matters of the archontic commands, may you not engage in anything that is not appropriate. May you be well. And regarding the report, the copy to Flavius Arianus Alypios, the most distinguished cometes and governor of the Augustamnican province, from Theodotius, a member of the council of the city of Arsinoe. Your justice, governor, is better according to the following."