Κι̣α̣μοῦλ γραμμ[(ατεὺς) Σερήνῳ χόρτ(ου) παραλύ[ τῷ γραμμ(α)τ(εῖ) Τετραθύρω̣[ν] τῷ ἐπιμελιτου (*) Δαμιανῷ χρυσουποδέ[κτῃ] τῷ γραμμ(α)τ(εῖ) Ἀλεξάνδρου [Νήσου(?)] τῷ γραμμ(α)τ(εῖ) Μελίτωνο[ς] Αἴ (*) λωνος προν(οη)τ(οῦ) Τεβέτν\υ/ οὐσί[ας(?)] Εὐδαίμωνος ὁριοδείκτ(ου) Σούλ̣[εως] τῷ γραμμ(α)τ(εῖ) Σύρων (ὑπὲρ) δημοσί[ων] τῷ αὐτ(ῷ) (ὑπὲρ) χόρτ(ου) ξηροῦ [ Σταυρακίῳ (καὶ) ο (*) ἀδελφ(ῷ) αὐτ[(ὸς)] [Φ]οιβάμμων γραμμ(α)τ(εὺς) Κε[ρ(?)]κε[σουρεως(?)]
"Of Kiamoul, the scribe, to Serenos concerning the pasture, to the scribe of Tetrahyrum, to the overseer, to Damian, the gold-receiver, to the scribe of Alexander of the Island, to the scribe of Meliton, of Aylonos, the pro-notary of Tebetn, of the property of Eudaimon, the boundary marker of Souleus, to the scribe of Syros (for) public matters, to the same (for) the dry pasture, to Staurakios and his brother, Phobammons, the scribe of Kerke."