ρ̣ηµένης αὐτοῦ
κ̣[α]τ̣[α]δ̣υναστεύων µε,
δέοµαι σοῦ, βασιλεῦ, ἐπεὶ
τ̣ὰ πράγµατά µου ἐπι̣δε̣ῖ̣[ται]
τ̣ῆ̣ς τῶν χρηµατιστῶν ἐπ̣[ι-]
σκέψεως, προστάξαι τοῖ[ς]
ἐπὶ τῶν τόπων χρηµατιστ[αῖς],
ὅπως προσταγῆι Διονυσ[ίωι]
µὴ περισ̣πᾶν µε ἕως τοῦ [ὑπο-]
[σ]τ̣ῆναί µε αὐτ{ον} \ῶι/ ἐπὶ τ[ῶν]
vac. ?
His being constrained,
ruling over me,
I beseech you, O king, since
my affairs are in need of
the inspection of the financiers, to command those
in the places of the financiers,
that a decree be given to Dionysius
not to disturb me until I am
established among the financiers.