εἰς τὸ ἀπὸ τοῦ νῦν ὑμᾶς κρατεῖν καὶ κυριεύειν καὶ δεσποτεύειν τῶν καθὼς πρόκειται πεπραμένων ὑμῖν ὑφʼ ἡμῶν προδηλωθέντων πραγμάτων, ὧν τὴν νομὴν καὶ τὴν δεσποτείαν ἐντεῦθεν ὑμῖν παρα̣δεδ̣ώκαμεν, καὶ το̣ὺ̣ς̣ παρʼ ὑμ̣ῶ̣ν̣ μεταπαραλημψομένου̣ς̣ δ̣εσ̣πόζοντας χρωμένους καὶ [ο]ἰκονομοῦντας καὶ διοικοῦντας καὶ ἐπ̣ιτελοῦ̣ν̣τ̣α̣ς̣ π̣ερὶ αὐτῶν καθʼ ὃν ἐὰν αἱρῶνται τρόπον ἀνεμπ̣ο̣δίσ̣τ̣ω̣ς βεβαιούντων ἡμῶν τῶν πωλούντων καὶ τῶν παρʼ ἡμῶν ὑ (*) μῖν τε τοῖς πριαμένοις καὶ τοῖς πα̣[ρʼ ὑμῶ]ν [πά]σ̣ῃ̣ β̣ε̣[βαιώ]σ̣ει ἀπὸ πα̣ν̣τ̣ὸς διὰ παντὸς τοῦ [ἐ]π̣ε̣λ̣ε̣[υσ]ο̣μ̣έ̣νου ἢ ἀντιποιησομένου ἢ ἐκτίσειν [ὑ]μῖν τ[ὴν] [προκειμένην] τ̣ιμὴν διπλῆν καὶ εἰς τὸ δημ[όσι]ον τὴν ἴσην καὶ τὰ ἄλλα ἀναλώματα πάντα διπ̣λᾶ καὶ [μηδὲν] [ἧσσον πρὸ]ς̣ τῷ ὑμῖν μένει[ν] τ̣ήνδε τὴ[ν π]ρᾶσι̣ν κυρίαν καὶ βεβαίαν καθότι καὶ ἔστιν,
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"From now on, we have given you the power to rule and dominate over those things as it is arranged, which have been made known to you by us, of which we have given you the right and dominion. And those who are among you, taking over the dominion, are to manage and administer and execute concerning them in whatever manner they choose without hindrance, confirming our sales and those from us to you, and to those who have purchased from you, every assurance from all sides through all that is to come or to be claimed or to establish for you the proposed price double and to the public the equal and all other expenses double and nothing less than to you remains this transaction, which is authoritative and certain as it is."