Μητρόδωρος Ἀπολλωνίω̣[ι] χ[α]ίρειν. τὰς πρὸς̣ [τοὺς] ἐπακολουθούντ[ας] πα[ρʼ] ἡμ̣[ῶ]ν τοῖς [θ]η̣σα[υρο]ῖς ἐ[πι]σ̣τ̣ολὰς περ̣ὶ τῆς [εἰς τὴ]ν ζυτηρὰν κρ[ι]θῆς τοῦ Τῦ[β]ι πέπομφά σοι. ἔρρωσο. (ἔτους) θ, ὡς̣ δʼ αἱ πρ(όσοδοι) (ἔτους) ι Τῦβι δ. v (hand 2) [(ἔτους) ι] Τῦβι ε, Μητρόδωρος [τῆ]ς συντάξεως (hand 1) Ἀπολλωνίωι
(No Latin text found in the document)
"Metrodorus to Apollonios, greetings. Concerning the letters sent by us to those who follow, regarding the treasure, I have sent you letters about the inquiry of the barley of Tybi. Be well. (Year) 8, as the revenues (Year) 10 of Tybi. v (hand 2) [(Year) 10] of Tybi 5, Metrodorus of the compilation (hand 1) to Apollonios."