βασιλεύοντος Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου καὶ Ἀρσινόης θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν (ἔτους) κα ἐφʼ ἱερέως Γαλέστου τοῦ Φιλι]στίωνος Ἀλεξάνδρου κ[αὶ θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν, κανηφόρου Ἀρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου Βερενίκης τῆς Σωσιπόλιος μηνὸς Ξανδίκου ἐγ (*) Κροκοδίλων πόλει τοῦ Ἀρσινοίτου νομοῦ ἐπὶ προέδρου Ἰάσονος. δικασταὶ Διοκλῆς, Διόδωρος, Φιλόδημος, Κλέων, Μενεκράτης Ἀπολλωνίου, Ἀντισθένης, Μαιάνδριος, Σώνικος, Μενεκράτης Δημητρίου/. δίκη ἔρημος. κατεδικάσθη ἣν ἐγράψατο Πτολεμαῖος τῆς ἐπιγονῆς Νικασιβούλωι Αἰνιᾶνι τῶν Ἐτεωνέως χιλιάρχωι κληρούχωι πληγῶν. ὧν υ (δραχμ) ἄλλη δίκη ἔρημος. κατεδικάσθη ἣν ἐγράψατο Νικάνωρ Διοδώρου ὠκαῖος τῶν παρὰ Πτολεμαίωι Ἑρμογένους Συρακοσίωι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς κατὰ συγγραφὴν ε χαλκοῦ νομίσματος (δραχμ) σκε τοῦ καταλύματος ἄλλη δίκη ἔρημος. κατεδικάσθη ἣν ἐγράψατο Νίκων Διονυσίου Ἰνάχειος ἐπι[...]
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
During the reign of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy, and Arsinoe, gods of the Siblings (year) and under the priest Galestus of the Philistines, Alexander, and the gods of the Siblings and the Benefactor gods, bearer of offerings of Arsinoe, Philadelphus, Berenice, daughter of Sosipolis, in the month of Xandicus, in the city of Crocodilopolis of the Arsinoite nome, under the presidency of Jason. Judges: Diocles, Diodorus, Philodemus, Cleon, Menekrates son of Apollonius, Antisthenes, Maenandrius, Sonikos, Menekrates son of Demetrios. The case is deserted. It was condemned as written by Ptolemy concerning the descendants of Nikasiboulos, Aenian, of the Eteones, a chiliarch, holder of lots of wounds. Of which (drachmas) another case is deserted. It was condemned as written by Nikanor son of Diodorus, of the oikios of those near Ptolemy, Hermogenes of Syracuse, concerning the descendants according to the writing of a bronze coin (drachmas) of the lodging. Another case is deserted. It was condemned as written by Nicon son of Dionysius, of the Inachian [...].