βασιλεύοντος Πτολεμαίου τοῦ Πτολεμαίου καὶ Ἀρσινόης θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν (ἔτους) κβ ἐφʼ ἱερέως Ἀλεξικράτους τοῦ Θεογένους Ἀλεξάνδρου καὶ θεῶν Ἀδελφῶν καὶ θεῶν Εὐεργετῶν κανηφόρου Ἀρσινόης Φιλαδέλφου Βερενίκης τῆς Καλλιάνακτος μηνὸς τοῦ Κωίτου. ἐμίσθωσεν Πέρσηι τῆς ἐπιγονῆς ἀπὸ τοῦ εἰσιόντος εἰκοστὸῦ τρίτου ἔτους τὸ ὑπάρχον αὐτῶι ἐν τοῦ Κωίτου οἰκο(?)]πέδον(?)] ἡμιτελὲς εἰς ἐνιαυτὸν καὶ ντε ἡμερ[μ]ένας τῶι ἐνιαυτῶι τοῦ καθήκοντος μηνὸς ὡς δʼ αἱ πρόσοδο[ι τρίτου καὶ εἰκο]στοῦ
(No Latin text was extracted from the document.)
"During the reign of Ptolemy, son of Ptolemy and Arsinoe, gods of the Siblings (year) 22, under the priest Alexikrates, son of the God-Born Alexander, and the gods of the Siblings and the Benefactor gods, the bearer of the offerings of Arsinoe, sister of Berenice of Callianaktos, in the month of Koitos. He rented to Perses of the descendants from the 20th year of the 3rd year, the property that belongs to him in the house of Koitos, half for a year and for the days of the year of the month of duty, as the revenues of the 3rd and 20th."