τῶν ἰσοτίμων τοῖς π̣ρ̣[ώτοις φίλοις
ἀμπελὼν, ἀπόμοιρα, διοικητής (τάλαντα)
Δυι, (ὧν) (τάλαντον) Ε̣χ, λ(οιπὰ) (τάλαντα) γ
πλεί[ο]να ὑπάρχοντα. ἀξιῶ σέ, ἐάν σοι φαίνηται, συν[τάξαι] γραψαι [τ]ῶι ἐπιμελητῆι καὶ τῶι βασιλικῶι γραμματ[ε]ῖ
καὶ τῶι οἰκονόμωι τῶν ἀργυρικῶν, προσδεξαμένου σ[ο]ῦ εἰς τὴν ἔγληψιν πράσσειν τοὺς προγεγραμμένους ἀκολούθως τοῖς ὑπὸ σοῦ κεκριμένοις, ἵνα καὶ αὐτὸς ἀπροφασίστως ἐκπληρῶ τὰ πρόσλ̣ο̣ι̣πα, τυχὼν τῆς παρὰ σοῦ ἀντιλήψεως. εὐτύχει.
διʼ Ἐρυθρί[ου
Παῶι τῶν πρώτων φίλων καὶ στρατηγῶι
βασ]ιλι[κῶι] γραμματ[ε]ῖ
of the ports
of the equal ones to the first friends
vineyard, solitary, governor (talents)
of the two, (of which) (talent) of the other, (remaining) (talents)
more existing. I ask you, if it seems to you, to arrange to write to the steward and to the royal secretary
and to the economist of the silver, having received from you to act in the matter of the previously written ones according to those chosen by you, so that I also may fulfill the remaining things without pretext, having the assistance from you. Good luck.
through the Red Sea
to the first friends and the general
to the royal secretary