ἐν κώμ(ῃ) Θώλθ̣ει τῆ<ς> κάτω τοπ(αρχίας) [τοῦ Ὀξυρυγχίτου νομοῦ
ἐφ’ ὃν μὲν] περίειμι χρόνον ἔχειν με τ̣[ὴν
κατ’ εὔνοιαν κα]ὶ φιλοστοργίαν δουλικὰ σώματ[α
μ̣ου Πλούτῳ μητρὸς Τσεννεχ
ἐὰν ζῶσιν, εἰ δὲ μή, τούτων] τ̣ὰ̣ τέκνα, τὴ̣ν̣ μὲν Ἁῦγχιν̣ [
οἰκίαι̣ καὶ ἄλλων, ἀπηλιώτου κ[
οἰκί]ας, νότο̣υ̣ περίμ̣ετρο̣ν̣ τ̣ῆ̣ς̣ κώ̣μ̣[ης
τὰ ἐν τῇ αὐτῇ] οἰκίᾳ ἔπιπλα καὶ σκεύη [
μ̣ὲ̣ν̣ [σ]φ̣[ρ]α̣γ̣ε̣ῖδος
νὸν Πλοῦ̣[τον
vac. ?
In the village of Tholthei of the lower toparchy of the Oxyrhynchite nomos, for which I have the time to live, in goodwill and affection for my servile bodies, I leave behind eighteen heirs, if they are alive; if not, their children, the house of Aunchin and others, the houses of the sun, the perimeter of the village, the furniture and utensils in the same house, of one seal of the fields, to be registered to the father.