
Canonical URI: http://papyri.info/ddbdp/t.alb;;10

Translation (Model: gpt-4o-mini, Batch ID: 2)

Extracted Text

Koine Greek

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anno decimo domini nostri regis Guntamun
sub diem ii nonos martias bendentibus
Iulius Quintianus et Gilesa uxor eius ex culturis suis mancianis in fundo Tuletianensis sub dominio Fl(avi) Gem(ini) Catullini fl(a)m(inis) in perpetum
in locis et vocabulis suis locus qui apellatur in Uuresa
Aqua Putei massa una in quo sunt caprufici
arbore una nomine ẹrṇassoneụ \ọx̣ụṇo odore/ et fici noṿellas sex inter adfines eiusẹdem loci a Marino lateris aquaris bergentisque suis ab afri relicta Luciani a choro
Quintianus venditor et ex ac die emit Geminius Felix folles trecentos quaranginta quos acceperunt Messius Quintianus et Gilesa uxor eius et secum sustullerunt
coramque signatorib(us) nichil quesivi ex eodem pretio quiquam amplius deveri sivi respondiderunt a pridie quam venderent h(abuerunt) t(enuerunt) p(ossederunt) iuri-sque eorum fuerunt et ex ac die in no Felix emtore suos transtulerunt ipsi eredesve eorum in perpetum
et si quis de supradictam rem de quo agitur mentionem questionem facere voluerit aut suam esse dixerit du evin-
tantum pretium vel alterum tantum vel quanti ae res eo tempore valuerit pro evicte rei recte dari sine dolo malo dolus malus abest aberit afuturumque erit stipulatus est Geminius Felix emtores
suos sp(o)p(on)d(i)d(erunt) Quintianus et Gilesa uxor eius venditores actum Tuletianos anno et die s(u)pp(ras)c(rip)to
ego Quadratianus magister petitus a Quintiano et Gilesa uxor eius qui litteras nescint signa sua supter facientes vendiderunt et omnem pretium accepẹṛunt ṣ[i]g[num] X Q[u]ịṇ[t]ị[ani] signum X Gilesa ego P[a]ụḷị[ni]ạṇụs ad iussu pattris mei Quinti ad hunc instrumentum interfuit ego Urban[i]anus ad hunc istrumentu interfui ego Quadratianus ad iussu patris m[e]i Ianuari hunc strumentum scripsi et subscribsi
de caprificu Quintian de Uuresa


In the tenth year of our lord King Guntamun, on the second day before the Ides of March, while they were selling, Julius Quintianus and his wife Gilesa from their Mancian fields in the estate of Tuletian under the dominion of Flavius Geminius Catullinus, in perpetuity, in the places and names of their location which is called in Uuresa, one mass of Aqua Putei in which there are caprifigs, one tree named ẹrṇassoneụ with a fragrant odor and six fresh figs among the relatives of the same place from the left side of Marino, from the aqueducts of Bergentis, left by Lucian from the choir. Quintianus the seller and from that day Geminius Felix bought three hundred and forty bags which Messius Quintianus and his wife Gilesa received and took with them, and in front of the signatories, they did not inquire about the same price, nor did they respond that they had held, possessed, and had rights to them, and from that day in no way did Felix the buyer transfer them to themselves or their heirs in perpetuity. And if anyone wishes to make mention or question about the aforementioned matter or claims it as their own, they will be evicted. The price shall be the same or another price or whatever the thing was worth at that time shall be given correctly without deceit, malice is absent, it will be future and it is stipulated that Geminius Felix the buyers, Quintianus and his wife Gilesa the sellers, acted in Tuletian in the year and day written above. I, Quadratianus, a master requested by Quintian and his wife Gilesa who do not know letters, made their signs below, sold and received all the price, the sign of Quintian, the sign of Gilesa, I, Paulinianus, was present at the command of my father Quintus at this instrument. I, Urbanianus, was present at this instrument. I, Quadratianus, at the command of my father Januarius wrote and subscribed this instrument about the caprifig of Quintian from Uuresa.

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