None found in the provided text.
domini regis Gunthamundi sub die
k(a)l(endas) martias ṿẹṇ[dentibu-]
s Messius Victorinus et Fotta uxor eius ex culturis suis mancianis sub dominio
Fl(av)i Gemini Catullini fl(am)i(nis) in perpetum
in locis et vocavulis
suis locus qui apell[atur]
in Pullatis firustellum
in quo sunt olibe
inter adf̣ịṇ[es]
a Marino et septentrione Victorinus venditor ab Africo Saturninus a choro
Venenati it(em) alio in loco locus qui apellatur
in Pullatis Sussanu olive arbores
inter adfines a Marino hh(eredes)
Iaderis a choro
Processani ab Africo hh(eredes)
Iaderis ẹṭ
ex hac die emit Geminius Felix folles pecunie numero
quos acceper-
unt Victorinus et Fotta uxor eius et secum sustulerunt coramque sign[atori-]
bus nichil
ex eode
pretio quiquam anplius
respondiderunt [a] p-
ridie quam benderent
h(abuerunt) p(ossederunt) iurisqueorum
et ex hac die
in nomine emtoru
transtulerunt utantur fruantur ipsi eredesve-
in perpetum
et si quis de supradictam rem mentionem questionem
aut suam dixerit du
evinci queperit
dabit tantum pretium et ạ[lte-]
rum tantum vel quanti ea res eo tempore valuerit pro evicte rei recte dari sine [do-]
lo malo dolus malus abest aberit afuturumque erit stipulatus est Gemin[ius]
Felix emṭor
sp(o)p(on)d(i)d(erunt) Victorinus et Fotta uxor eius venditores ac\tum/ Tuletianos
et die supraṣcripto Saturninus pre(s)b(yter) petitus a victoronu
Nuguali qui
litteras nescire se dicit sicnum
faciente sicuti s(upra)s(cri)p(tum) vendidit omnem [preti-]
um accepit et pro eo quam pro me viso pretio subscribsi
signum X Vict[orini]
ẹṭ \ẹg̣ọ/ Cresconius biso
pretium suscrissi
ego Geminius Urbanianus viso p[re-]
tio suscrissi
ego Quadratianus ad iussu patris mei Ianuari huc
et suscribsi
In the year of the twelfth (regnal year) of King Gunthamund on the day of the 11th Kalends of March, Messius Victorinus and his wife Fotta, from their Mancian holdings under the dominion of Flavius Gemini Catullinus, in perpetuity, in the places and names of their holdings, a place which is called in Pullatis Frustellum, one in which there are olive trees, thirty in number, among the relatives from Marino and the north, Victorinus, seller from Africa, Saturninus from the choir, heirs of Venenatus, also in another place which is called in Pullatis Sussanu, five olive trees among the relatives from Marino, heirs of Iaderis from the choir, heirs of Processani from Africa, heirs of Iaderis, and from this day, Geminius Felix bought three hundred pieces of money, which Victorinus and Fotta, his wife, received and took with them, and before the signatories, nothing was sought from the same price more than was owed, nor did they respond on the day before they sold, they had possessed the rights and they had transferred them, and from this day, in the name of the buyers, they transferred that they may use and enjoy it themselves or their heirs in perpetuity, and if anyone should wish to make mention or question of the aforementioned matter, he will give only the price and as much as that thing was worth at that time for the evicted thing to be rightly given without bad intent, bad intent is absent and will be absent in the future, it has been stipulated by Geminius Felix, the buyer, that Victorinus and Fotta, his wife, the sellers, and the Tuletians, from the year and the day written above, Saturninus, the presbyter, was asked by Victorinus, Nuguali, who says he does not know letters, thus I am making as above written, he sold all the price, he received and for that which I saw the price I subscribed, the sign of X of Victorinus and I, Cresconius, witness, the price I subscribed, I, Geminius Urbanianus, having seen the price, subscribed, I, Quadratianus, at the command of my father, Januarius, here, I wrote and subscribed.