None found in the provided text.
tablet 3b
anno nono d(o)m(i)n(i) ṛegis guthabondi
dịẹ ṇọṇạṣ ạp̣[riles]
Iulius Lepori
et Coia iụgaliṣ eius ne-
c̣non etiam et silbanianus
et Victorinus Germani Lepo-
ri subscripturis coram suscribentibus
lạs ạgrorum in dibersis
locis cum bocabulis
sụḅ dominio Fl(av)i Gemini Catulini
flaminis perpẹṭụ-
i et infantes id (est) primo in lo
in aggarione locus qui
tres in quos sunt olibe
arb(ores) [no-]
pluminus cum lateretis
aquaris ṿẹṛ-
gentisque suis it(em) alio in loco s(u)p(ra)scṛịpto cạprifịc̣ị
ạṛḅ(ores) viii et fici arb(or) un
inter adfiṇẹ[s]
eiusdem agri ab oriemte
Felix F̣ọṛṭ[uni a]ḅ occiden[te]
Quiṇtianus a Coro Leporius be[ndito]r
ịṇṭer adfine-
ṣ eiusdem loci sup(ra)s[cripti] ab Africo ḅia
qui ḍ[ucit ad]
tablet 4a
Ṃạgụḷạ a mẹṛịḍịẹ ẹṭ a Marino Quintus a Coro l[atere-]
ẹṭ bergentisque
suis it(em) alio in loco s(upra)s(cri)p̣(to) fici arḅọṛ ụ[na]
qui coheret
ad bia
de Buresa ab Africo cum lateretis
et aquaris bergentisque
suis it(em) alio ịṇ loco locus qui
dicitur Pullaṭịs in quo sunt ọliḅẹ
ạrb(ores) cinq̣[ue]
adfines eiusdem loci ab oriente Quintianus a meridiẹ
Quintianus ab Africo et a Coro Victorinus Nug̣[ualis]
it(em) alio in loco in Pullatis locus abiente
arb(ores) cin-
inter adfines eiusdem loci ab oriente Processa
nus a meridie Victorinus ab occidente paterṇụs
[Ia]deris a Coro Iannarius ques
eosdem agros sṣpscri
de quo agitur hac die emerut
Geminius Cresco-
nius et Cresconia iugalis eius a Iulio Leporio et Co[ia]
iugalis eius et etiam silbanianus
et Victorinus
auri solidum unum ẹṭ f̣(ol)l(e)s [aur]e[os] oḅṛeḍịạc̣os
tablet 4b
singụlares numero centu
quem soḷi-
dum unum et f(ol)l(es) centu
in se susceperunt Iulius Le-
porius et Coia iugalis eius et Silvanianus et Vic-
torinus venditores acceperunt a Geminio Cresco-
nio ẹṭ C̣ṛẹṣc̣ọṇ[ia] entores
suos et nicil
ḍẹṃ pretio quiquam amplius deberi respondidẹr-
h(a)b(eat) t(eneat) p(ossideat) utatur fruaturque ipse heredesbe
s in perpetuo et si quis de eosdem agros sụụ esse ḍ[i]x-
[v]ẹḷ questionem
facere boluerit
p̣ẹ[cuniam] tantam et alteram tantam beḷ
qụ[anti ea]
ṛẹṣ eo tempore baluerit
stipulati sunt Gem(inius) Cresco-
nius et Cresconia emtores
spopondideru[nt] b[endito-]
actum in f(un)d(o) Tuletianos die et anno sspss
e[go Mon-]
tius petitus a Lẹp̣[orio] et C̣ọia [iugali eius necnon]
[et]i[am silba]niano
et Ṿị[ctorino venditoribus]
[vi]so pre[tio]
tablet 5a
qui litteras nescint
p̣ṛọ [eis] signum sum
facturi hu-
nc istrumentum
ab ipsis dictatum sicuti suppra
consenserunt omnem pretium acceper-
unt et suscripserunt
et a ṭestibus suscriḅị petent
signum X Lepori signum X Coia signum X si-
[s]ignum Victọrini X Victorini
ego Quadratianus est iussione patris mei
Ianuari hunc strumentum
pro eum suscrib-
ego Paulinianus ad iussione pa-
[tris] mei Quinti qui literas
tam pro me quam pro eum su-
ẹg̣o Fọṛṭụṇạṭịạnus inte-
[rfui et] p̣ṛẹṭịụṃ ọṃṇẹm supradictum
ṿị[di eg]o Monṭịụs hụnc̣ istrumentum
manu sc̣ṛịḅṣị
et sub[scripsi]
tablet 5b
Lepori de dibersa
anno q[-ca.?-]o
Tablet 3b
In the ninth year of the reign of King Guthabond
On the nones of April
To the sellers
Julius Leporius
and Coia his wife
and also Silvanianus
and Victorinus, son of Leporius, in the presence of the signers
of the documents
concerning the parcels of land in various
places with their names
under the dominion of Flavius Gemini Catulinus
the perpetual priest and the children, that is, first in the
place called
three in which there are olive
and others
with bricks
and water
and their kind, also in another place described above, the caprifolius
trees eight and the fig tree one
among the relatives
of the same land from the east
Felix Fortuni from the west
Quintianus from Coro Leporius, the seller
among the relatives
of the same place described above from Africa
which leads to
Tablet 4a
Magula from the south and from Marino Quintus from Coro
and the sloping
and their kind, also in another place described above, the fig tree one
which is adjacent
to the road
from Buresa from Africa with bricks
and water and their kind, also in another place which
is called Pullatis in which there are five
olive trees
among the relatives of the same place from the east Quintianus from the south
Quintianus from Africa and from Coro Victorinus Nugualis
also in another place in Pullatis, the place having
trees five
among the relatives of the same place from the east Processanus from the south Victorinus from the west Paternus
Iaderis from Coro Iannarius who
the same fields have been signed
concerning which it is discussed today
Geminius Cresconius and Cresconia his wife from Julius Leporius and Coia
his wife and also Silvanianus
and Victorinus
one solid gold and coins of gold
Tablet 4b
of money
singular in number one hundred
which one solid and coins one hundred
received from Julius Leporius and Coia his wife and Silvanianus and Victorinus, the sellers received from Geminius Cresconius and Cresconia, the buyers
and nothing
they have sought
the price that anything more should be owed
he may have, hold, possess, use, and enjoy himself and his heirs
in perpetuity and if anyone concerning the same fields should say
or wish to make a question
he will give
such money and another such
as much as it may be worth at that time
the buyers have stipulated
Geminius Cresconius and Cresconia
the sellers have promised
done in the fund of Tuletianos on the day and year signed
I, Montius, requested from Leporius and Coia his wife and also Silvanianus
and Victorinus, the sellers
Tablet 5a
who do not know letters
I, for them, am the sign
making this instrument
dictated by them as above
they have sold
they have agreed to receive all the price and have signed
and from the witnesses signed
the sign of X Leporius the sign of X Coia the sign of X Silvanianus
the sign of Victorinus X Victorinus
I, Quadratianus, am at the command of my father
Ianuarius, this instrument
for him I have signed
I, Paulinianus, at the command of my
father Quintus who does not know letters
both for myself and for him I have signed
I, Fortuna, was present and the whole price mentioned
I, Montius, have seen this instrument
with my own hand I have written
and I have signed
Tablet 5b
the instrument
of Leporius concerning various
Year q[-ca.?-]o