None found in the provided text.
Tablet 9b:
anno d(omi)ni regis Gunthamundi sub die
vendentibus Vigilianus et Aegyptia iugalis eius necnon
etiam Secundianus Germanus eius et subscripturis coram
subscribentibus particellas agrorum in diversis locis cum bocabulis
suis id est primo in loco Siciliones de Susanum massa in quo sunt arb(ores) olibe
plus minus duodecim inter adfines eiusdem agri a Marino Ianuarius a Coro Fortunatianus Saturni ab Africo benenatus
a meridiano nobos terminis fixos item alio in loco in Siciliones in Gunfliones gemiones duos
in quo sunt in uno arb(ores) olibe sex inter adfines eiusdem agri ab Africo suprascriptos termines a Coro bictorinus
a Marino et
Tablet 10a:
ab oriēnte latericiis aquaris bergentibusque
suis item alio in loco locu locu abente olibe
arbores duas cum omnibus eius pertinentibus a Marino bictorinus
ab oriēnte Fortunatianus ab Africo latericiis aquaris bergentibusque
suis item in alio loco in Siciliones de Susanu inter adfines eiusdem agri a meridiano
ab occidente et ab Africo donatus
sive quibus adfinibus cum quibus eos solvessisse monstrarunt
venditores ex hereditate parentum cum transitis suis haec omnia superius comprehensa
hac die emit a suprascriptis venditoribus folles
pecuniae numero trecentos sex et triginta quos folles
Tablet 10b:
trecentos sex et triginta cuius rei suprascriptae
acceperunt memorati venditores et secum sustulerunt
coramque signatoribus nihil quesivi
sibi ex eodem pretio rei suprascriptae
quiquam amplius deberi sibi respondiderunt
a pridie quam venderent habuerunt tenuerunt possederunt iuris eorum omnia fuerunt et
ex hac die in nomine emptorum
suorum transtulerunt ut habeat possideat utatur fruatur ipsi heredesve
eorum in perpetuum
et si quis de memoratam rem cum omni iure ad se pertinenti de quo agitur mentionem
questionem facere voluerit suique iuri probaverit
dum evinci coeperit tunc dabit tantum pretium et
Tablet 11a:
alterum tantum vel quanti ea res eo tempore valuerit
pro bicta rei recte dari sine dolo malo dolus
malus abest aberit afuturumque erit istipulatus est emptor
respondiderunt Vigilianus et Aegyptia iugalis eius simulque et Secundianus Germanus
eius venditores actum Tuletianos anno et die issp
ego Lucianus magister petitus a Vigilianus et iugalis eius
venditores qui litteras nescint signum sum
faciente quam pro se quam pro iugalis sue
sicuti suprascriptum vendidit omnem pretium accepit et subscripsi
Tablet 11b:
signum X bigiliani
ego Donatus petitus a Secundianus Germanus eius eo quod litteras
nescit subter signum facientes signum X secundanus
Germanus eius ego Fidentius ad hunc instrumentum interfui
et signavi ego Resitutus petitus a bictor
eo quod literas nescit ad hunc instrumentum
interfui et signum faciente X signavi ego Quoduultdeus
ad hunc instrumentum
interfui ego Lucianus magister scripsi et subscripsi
Tablet 9b:
In the year of our Lord King Gunthamund on the day
sold by Vigilianus and his Egyptian wife, as well as
by Secundianus Germanus and the signatories present
signing the parcels of land in various places with their vocabularies
that is, first in the place Siciliones of Susanum, a mass in which there are olive trees
more or less twelve among the borders of the same land from Marino Ianuarius from Coro Fortunatianus Saturnus from Africo, blessed
from the southern new fixed boundaries, also in another place in Siciliones in Gunfliones two twins
in which there are in one olive trees six among the borders of the same land from Africo above written boundaries from Coro Victorinus
from Marino and
Tablet 10a:
from the east with brick aqueducts and those from Bergentibus
also in another place in the place of olive trees
two trees with all their belongings from Marino Victorinus
from the east Fortunatianus from Africo with brick aqueducts and those from Bergentibus
also in another place in Siciliones of Susanum among the borders of the same land from the south
from the west and from Africo donated
or to which borders with which they have shown they have settled
the sellers from the inheritance of their parents with their transitions all these things comprehended above
on this day bought from the above written sellers the coins
in the number of three hundred and thirty which coins
Tablet 10b:
three hundred and thirty of which the above written
the mentioned sellers received and took with them
and before the signatories I did not inquire
for themselves from the same price of the above written
nor did they respond that anything more was owed to them
from the day before they sold they had held possessed all their rights and
from this day in the name of the buyers
they transferred so that they may have, possess, use, enjoy themselves and their heirs
and if anyone concerning the mentioned thing with all rights pertaining to them regarding which it is mentioned
wishes to make a mention or question
and proves his right
then he will give only that price and
Tablet 11a:
only the other or how much that thing was worth at that time
for the mentioned thing
to be rightly given without deceit, deceit
will be absent and will be future stipulated
the buyer
they responded Vigilianus and Egyptian wife of his together and Secundianus Germanus
his sellers acted in Tuletianos in the year and day written
I, Lucianus, the master, requested by Vigilianus and his wife
the sellers who do not know letters, I am the signatory
doing as for himself as for his wife
as above written
he sold all the price received and I signed
Tablet 11b:
sign of X of Vigilianus
I, Donatus, requested by Secundianus Germanus his because he does not know
letters below
sign of those making the sign X of Secundianus
Germanus his I, Fidentius, was present at this instrument
and I signed I, Resitutus, requested by the bictor
because he does not know letters at this instrument
I was present and signed by the one making the sign X I signed I, Quoduultdeus
at this instrument
I was present I, Lucianus, the master, wrote and signed