None found in the provided text.
tablet 12a
[Martiali]s in loco Gunfliones
tablet 12b
anno nono d(omi)ni regis Guntamundus
sub die sẹp[tim]ọ ḍẹ[cimo k(a)l(endas) o]ctob[res] ḅẹṇḍentibus
Iulius Martialis et Donatilla iugaḷịs eius [necnon etiam eius et subscri-]
pṭụris coram subscribentibus particellam agri in locus qui est in G[un]f[li-]
ones cun bocabulis suis sub dominio Fl(avi) Gemini Catullini flaminis perpetui
et infantes id est locus qui supradictum est Gunfliones in quo sunt plu-
s minus olibe arbores triginta cinque
sitecia arbore una caprificụṣ ạṛb(or)
una inter adfines eiusdem agri ạ C̣oro Martialis benditor
et Ianuari[us Fo]r-
tuni ab Aquilo supradictus Martialis benditor
a meridie Quintianus ab Africo sup(ra)dictus Quintianus et Victor sibe
quibus adfinibus cum quibus eos solbensisse
mostra[runt] benditoribus ex eredictate
p[arentum c]um tr-
ansitis suis hec omnia superius conprehensa
hac die eme[runt Gemi-]
nius Cresconi et iugalis eius Cresconia a s(upra)s(cri)pṭịṣ ḅẹṇḍịṭọṛịḅụs
tablet 13a
[pecuniae numero quingentos quos folles quingentos cuius rei ssp-]
iscripte acceperunt [memorati venditores et secum sustulerunt coram-]
que signatoribus nicil quesibi ex eode pretio rei ssp[scriptae]
[quiquam am-] pliis deberi sibi respondiderunt a pridie quam vende[rent h(abuerunt) t(enuerunt) p(ossederunt) iuris]
eorum omnia fuerunt ẹṭ ex ac die in nomine emtorum
suorum tras-
tulerunt ut abeant teneant possideant utantur fruantur ipsi ere-
desbe eorum in perpetum
et si quis de memoratam rem cum omni [iure ad] se pertinenti de
quo agitur mentionem questionem facere boluerit
suo-que iuri probaberit dunc vinci queperit
tunc dabit tantum pretium [et a]lterum tantum bel
quanti ea res eo tenpore baluerit pro bicte rei re-
[cte da]ri sine dolo malo dolus malus abest aberit afuturumque erit istipula-
[tus] [est] Cresconịus emtor et iugalis eius Cresconia ispopondiderunt
tablet 13b
[Martiali]s et Donatilla iugalis eius benditores
actum Tuletianos \anno/ et die [su]prascriptum ego Lucianus magister petitus a Martialis benditor
eo quod litteras nescit omnem pretium accepit signum sum
supter faciente quam pro ẹọ qua[m] pro eụm quam pro uxor eius Donatilla signum X Martialis et Donatillae
ego Quadratianus ad iussu patris mei Ianuari ad hunc strumentum
interfui ego Paulịṇịanus ad iussu patris mei Quinti qui literas
nescit ad hunc istrumentum interfui ego ḅịc̣ṭọrinus
interfui ego Lucianus scribsi et subiscripsi
tablet 12a
[To Martialis] in the place of Gunfliones
tablet 12b
In the ninth year of the lord king Guntamundus
on the seventh day before the tenth calends of October, the sellers
Iulius Martialis and his wife Donatilla, as well as those who subscribe
in the presence of the subscribing parties, a small piece of land in the place which is in Gunfliones with
their vocabularies under the dominion of Flavius Gemini Catullinus, the perpetual priest
and the children, that is, the place which is mentioned above Gunfliones, where there are more or less
thirty-five olive trees
one caprifolius tree
one among the relatives of the same land from Coro Martialis the seller
and Ianuarius Fortuni from Aquilo, the aforementioned Martialis the seller
from the south Quintianus from Africa, the aforementioned Quintianus and Victor himself
with whom they have settled
they showed to the sellers
from the inheritance
of the parents with their transitions these
all things comprehended above
on this day Gemi-
nius Cresconi and his wife Cresconia bought from the aforementioned sellers
tablet 13a
[In money, the number of five hundred, which is five hundred folles, of which the matter is written]
the aforementioned sellers received and took with them in the presence of the signatories nothing
they sought from the same price of the matter written
[although they should be more] they responded to them from the day before they sold (they had) (they held)
(they possessed) their rights
all things were and from that day in the name of the buyers
they transferred
that they may have, hold, possess, use, enjoy their heirs in perpetuity
and if anyone concerning the aforementioned matter with all [rights to] himself pertaining to
what is being discussed wishes to make mention of a question
and proves his right
then he will be able to be conquered
then he will give only that price
and another only as much as that thing was worth at that time
for the aforementioned matter
[to be given rightly without deceit, deceit is absent, it will be absent and will be in the future]
[it is] Cresconius the buyer
and his wife Cresconia they promised
tablet 13b
[To Martialis] and his wife Donatilla the sellers
done in Tuletianos in the year and day
[the aforementioned] I, Lucianus, the master requested by Martialis the seller
because he does not know letters, received all the price, I have signed
making for him whom
for him whom for his wife Donatilla the sign X of Martialis and Donatilla
I, Quadratianus, at the command of my father Ianuarius was present at this instrument
I, Paulinianus, at the command of my father Quintus who does not know letters
was present at this instrument
I, Bictorinus
was present I, Lucianus wrote
and subscribed